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Posts posted by Brzoza

  1. wwe is for pussy's......UFC FTW!!!!!


    Idiot ! You deserve new AWARD for THE BIGGEST IDIOT IN MxC! Comparing two different things! Pussy better go do something for society and die ...


    better payment....:P...UFC figheters aren't payed per m-o-u-n-t-h...like wwe fighters....

    UFC fighter get their payment after each match or title won, and its not a very huge prize..


    Really? From sponsors, from KO of the night, submission of the night, fight of the night, 2x actual payment for win the fight, showing up on press conference, a lot bonuses like cars, more money, more cars for awesome matches. (GSP 500k $ + Hummer for KO Matt Hughes at UFC 65) Lot lot more.

    Saying not very huge prize like they love to get all these hammerfists on the head ... IDIOT! WWE fighters get more moneys because they are 300+ days on TOUR outside home! Almost whole year. Live events, house shows, PPV. Also they get profit from their sold MERCHANDISE. Also you call WWE pussy and who watch it u call them pussy and you'd like to work like them on 'pussy' entertaining and get sh1t loads of money, but u CAN'T cause u are bigger pussy! WWE isnt sport its ENTERTAINMENT, but lot idiots cant understand it or they show how dumb they are. You watching some TV series like supernatural and I can say you are pussy cause its all fake ... If you dont like it dont comment here.


    Also Brock left UFC because he tought he will be BEAST as he was/is WWE. He lost some fights and then he gets tired about it, and also he is older every year. Also he want stay more with his family and as he said he promised his wife if he lose he will retire (against Overeem).


    Also it's topic about WWE so if you want trash talk just gtfo and make UFC topic.


    I don't know about orton, but big slow is gonna turn face again. Alberto del rio is going to lose the belt 1-2 raws before wrestlemania by Dolf Ziggler ( he is gonna cash the money in the bank contract) and there's gonna be a rematch between swagger and ziggler.


    I want Orton as Heel, about Big Show better if stay as its now. ADR wont lose belt till WM. Vince after Velasquez win in UFC he want some latino to keep belt to bring more latinos to watch WWE, so till WM ADR keep title ;> About Swagger he had some problems some weeks ago (weed) and probably his push will be taken off after WM or so.




    We The People vs Weed The People (Tri.Moon)



    Also sad news ... Paul Bearer aka William Moody dead! One of the greatest manager of all time! =((((

    Here's great Tribute to this awesome guy! REST IN PEACE!

    In Memory of Paul Bearer (Tri.Moon)


    I wish Undertaker win against CM Punk at WM and dedicate this win to Paul Bearer! Also I wish he will be inducted into this year Hall of Fame by Brothers of Destruction or Kane himself. It will be sad moment if it happen at Hall of Fame and make tears in my eyes and most people in ceremony ...

  2. Zake spammer;) Didnt answer cause Im not visit MXC so often.


    Taker gonna beat CM Punk and dedicate his win to his menager who's dead 2 days ago - Paul Bearer [*] RIP!


    Cena will win against rock movie star.


    Swagger will lose against ADR at submission match and ziggler cash in.


    3 lossers will fight Shield then Orton turns hell


    Henry vs Ryback



    Zake noob

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