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Posts posted by Brzoza

  1. Was watching live - im excited!!!


    Already have money for PS3 - InFamous: 2nd son MUST HAVE !! Killzone: Shadowfall looks cool but not worth pre-ordering, DriveClub also is AWESOME detailed, and Deep Down something like Dragon's Dogma.


    AND .....



    DIABLOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO :gusta: :gusta: :gusta: :gusta: :gusta: :gusta: :gusta: :gusta:

  2. Server after wipe - nothing major changes. Only 1 admin only cant handle whole server and he's going off. 1st server was better, something like Pride now is just another l2java server. GL GsL

  3. The best IL srv around. I played here before wipe (idk how things up now) but I will join test it for sure and maybe stay. So if you prefer playing 1 server for weeks just join here, perfect balance where even BD can rule other classes and poison is very good pvp/e skill.

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