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Everything posted by SkyNet

  1. im still in test mode :D but some char skill should be changed (reuse - success rate...) as i saw some ppl cry about few skills... i wasnt in pvp atm so i dunno.... u should add blessed enchant scrolls in the shop all are bored to buy 5000 items to enchant... party farm zone needs adena drop... u need some nice events and not just tvt and ctf... there are a lot more things u could do to make the server better but ofc i wont tell u... its your server so u should know it by self most important things is atm to get player!!!! if not u can close it and join the fail server list ><
  2. server needs a bit work but then he will be a good one... i really hope u have some ideas to get more ppl on or else it will be the next fail server :-\ just like it that u dont have attribute system coz its the biggest fail on high rates ;D 3-5 ppl atm soon u have 0 ONLINE !!! go go go work on it ;)
  3. http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=98604.0 server is offline since long and the new server which is announced at the web site dosnt exist >< no comment since is a death server :-X PS isnt the only topic which he has reload... "Lineage II Private Servers" section
  4. aaahhh thats what i wanted to hear :D thats the donation how they should look ;)
  5. +25 for donator or just +22 ? if +25 i wont stay but +22 i would say why not isnt that high different :P
  6. seems cool... i will try them... just want to know how your donation list will look :D hope u add them when the server official start also after beta phase... just wish me u wont add enchant +25 for donators or buy able skills or shit like this... :P
  7. tell us the server name and i will try if i get the same prob if yes its server site.... its just with host file or system patch ? ...as u said its epilogue so just run the updater he should find the missing file...
  8. its happens after downloading and install a patch from a server ? so its server patch sites.... happens to me from 2-3 server patches... its detect a virus in few files...
  9. one reason that i will never log in.... why u all make such stupid donations there are some other ways to get money even with a high rate server... +5 more then normal player no THX i think if its where "just" +2 more u still would get some player who would donate (if the server is good)....
  10. just because there are not any admins which know how to make a good server.... some server are good but with stupid donations...(high rate) maybe its time to start low rate again ><
  11. l2 dubai all what they do/made is fail starts with the donations and the plug and play pack :D and still they got a lot nabs which play there... @HACKS LOVER guess u mean the l2 server with the name epilogue or else i bet u are a shitlude player :D
  12. all of them are sux... the new ones are a lot more beautiful :D but since i have to pick one of yours i go for > Bunny Ears <
  13. your topic is totally unless.... pmfun has a much better overview at all and if u do a topic like this u should add the new armor sets too ! http://lineage.pmfun.com/list/set 100% better and easier to find the right stats/armor as in your post...
  14. in the most plug & play high rate server 100% overlord.... its all about if u know to play the class and if the server is balanced...
  15. why should someone use your home pc as server ? ::) its never work with an home pc and next is and its seems to much as scam.... like u could steal his server pack :P guys get a dedicated server and if u cant pay it dont open a server !
  16. is the server a high rate or low rate ? buff time ? buff slots ?
  17. if u fight against an other archer or fighters which have stun - CON would be sux ;) u will get stunned a lot time :D but i must say i use it like that too but +5 dex and +4 str and its work fine for me ok not on IL but should work same way :P
  18. would be stupid to make unique ideas public before its done ? :D good luck with it ...i hope u can do one nice high rate with a bit unique game play... about customs... i like to have different wep/armors but u should use only the already exist stats for them (vesper stats for your custom armor/wep)
  19. whats wrong with this ? -------------------------------- seems cool for me i will take a look in ;) ahh the vote script is shit and makes me mad..... i hate things like this but lets see Edit: 2 online player :-\ 2 private shops ? :P since when is the server alive?
  20. none of them.... reason - i don`t play low rate s :P PS: never heard about zeus :o
  21. //spawn 31228 instead of //spawn roy_the_cat search with this ID in navicat and edit the name if u want... (npc table)
  22. i guess he want that u can invite with your lvl 85 char and newbie char with lvl 1
  23. can`t w8 for the new update :P its nice to have new wep and new armor even if they look like the old vesper... but i can say they always fail with the duals since long they are just ugly :-\ cant w8 for the new bow cant w8 for the new bow cant w8 for the new bow cant w8 for the new bow :D
  24. post plz which editors are there in and for what they are... i wont downloade it without more infos...
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