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About Sisyphus

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    United Kingdom
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    Protect the thing you believe...

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  1. Really? Damn, I'm playing in this server right now. It's hard to found interlude low rate these days. ):
  2. I know I'm a little old, but I prefer C4~C5, but I like C6 too.
  3. Dual Box isn't allowed?
  4. Thank you, bro. But, i don't like so much of high rates and custom things. That's why i like of low rate servers. Anyway, thanks. o/
  5. Well, i'm looking for a server of minimun rate 5x and the max 12x. Completely retail, if is possible. Thank you and good night. o/
  6. Well, i look at server, i see two factors i don't like it. 1- Crystal Scroll: 100% enchant rate(Retrieved Only Seven Sings) 2- Epic Weapons. Let me show my point. It's unreal the crystal scroll give 100% enchant rate, i don't know if i'm wrong, but can't be 100%, like 90%, but not 100%. About Epic Weapons, i don't think need it, everytime i see many people talk bad words about that weapons. Why ? The Lineage 2 isn't total balanced, the s-grade is a little unbalanced, but can be balanced by some factors, so, what happen if we put custom weapons more stronger than normal s-grade ? Of course we get a unbalanced server. The only custom thing i believe is balanced, it's the titanium armor, i think balanced a little, because many mages can be use and don't use the major arcana, i think is horrible to mage. It's just my point, don't need agree if you don't want. :P
  7. I need to say, the server is great. But i think will need do some changes. It's just my opinion. You can to remove the Epic Weapons, i don't think the people will like it, the normal s-grades is more balanced and better. I see the Epic Cloak, and it needs to be removed too. The only custom item i agree can stay, it's the dynasty, but, it's better change the style to apella armor and do a name like: Metal Plate Armor, Metal Light Armor and Metal Robe Armor. About the other things, i think is ok. It's good do a poll about the subject, if you want, of course.
  8. Well, if the server had 1 or 2 custom items, it's ok, no problem. But... exist many things can be unbalanced the server. Just my thought about it. I think the server will be better only with Royal Armor like custom item. They don't need put more custom weapons/armors, the Royal Armors is amazing. That's why the people like play Lineage C4, nothing Dynasty, Icarus, and Vesper. Only good C4 armors/weapons and one custom set. I don't know if my opinion disgusting many people here, but how i say before, it's my thought. Anyway, good luck with the server. :3
  9. Hm, i think stranger that server first time i'm playing there. The server have all to stay on top 10, but with corruption, we can't wait more than that. :/
  10. Good job, bro. It's more easily to leveling now. I don't know about others areas, but i'm be happy by your help with that information. Thank you. o/
  11. Yep. Work normal to me. Nothing wrong, but exist others servers i don't get it. :-\
  12. Of course doesn't work. The bake ice got update, i think. We need it other step to used it. :-\
  13. Hm, interesting. I'm like to play there, thank you for screenshot, bro. o/
  14. It's true. Working only L2J Oneo. I try it in others servers L2J and nothing. :-\
  15. It's a good trick. I test it and have good results. Rate enchant 66%, i got it DB Focus +13. I have no idea if that is luck or chance. I know that script turn the things more easily. ;D
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