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Everything posted by tasosm

  1. Gracia final. But i dont know how to make it work. And seems that no1 want help :/
  2. thank for aply!! mate i know how to do this things with navicat and mysql but i dont know how to make client work..how to make folders system,systemtextures etc..
  3. hello i found this pack on forum and i need help to install it for a test local server..i will never make it on internet just for my practice..plz help.. link for pack https://www.4shared.com/rar/gjmsCa27ce/L2Pride_General_Files_Package.htm
  4. please guys i need a server and a bot working..if anyone knows something plz share it..im looking for a bot server 1 month!!
  5. kalhspera paides!!thelw na mou prwteinete servers pou na doulevei to bot.walker i net dn me peirazei..
  6. maybe you have time to find me a server plz?
  7. make one!and make it with ingame bot allow and 3 clients!!
  8. hello evryone!!i want to suggest someone must make a l2 server with bot allowed!!i am searching for a bot allowed server for a long time and nothing found..but i saw many people to looking for the same thing!
  9. hey man nice guide and share!!plz tell me how i can make this l2 net for interlude run in my lan server with ip
  10. hi!!i am looking for a l2 server in all clients low rate with botting allow cause i havent much free time every day!!thnks
  11. i tried it and it had a problem with walker..when you kill tha mobs in a area they respawn far away..
  12. hi i am looking for a low rate server x3-x10 with l2walker allowed..plz post if you know something..thnks!
  13. kalhspera paidia!psaxnw gia server low rate mexri x10 kai na epitrepontai ta bot..opoios xerei as mou pei..thnks!
  14. duskolo mou fenete..tpt se etoimo dn uparxei? :/
  15. kai pws to katevazw?? dn ta xerw kala :/
  16. thelw ta arxeia gia to c4 server data pack kai tetoia kai ena guide pws na ta ftiaxw..ama ginete :)
  17. kalhspera se olous!!skeftomai na ftiaxw ena server gia na dokimasw diafora..thelw na ton ftiaxw se c4 client ala dn xerw akrivos pws..eixa xanaftiaxei se gracia part 2 ala evlepa video kai eixe ola ta arxeia mazemena..o server tha einai mono gia party mou dn ton thelw sto internet..opois borei na mou steilei ena link me guide kai me arxeia tha me voithisei polu..thnks!!
  18. paidia eimai newbie akoma kai thelw na dokimasw to walker kai diafora ala programata..exw ena test server me preconfing pack to opoio exei kai compile..kai kathe fora pou anigo l2 walker trww ban :P..opoios xerei pws na to kanw allow as mou pei..thnks
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