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Everything posted by +cs.tribal

  1. Hey there! Which server is the best quick farming pvp server? [i mean a server which you farm a day and after that you are almost ready to pvp]
  2. Freya 1000% It has awesome graphics and really cool weapons+amors! I cant understand why you like IL!IT SUCKS!
  3. This is what i did little mogol(mongol) i'm not afraid if someone see my desktop, this is why i didnt edit it! I have java...but anyway i solved the problem! PROBLEM SOLVED - LOCK PLEASE
  4. Hey there developers! I have a problem there... when i try to lunch eclipse i get an error! Please guys help me... i cant fix it :/ Screen:
  5. A-W-E-S-O-M-E thank you mate... at least a good gm-shop for freya server! thank y again!
  6. Signomi alla eiparxeie na paromio topic edw!(diko mou) http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=143356.0
  7. REALLY COOL!!!!!! what about a wholse set like this? :D
  8. Only 4 posts and 1 karma!that's a good member! @ontopic I have never used this tool! But it looks intresting and useful, I'll donwload it to see how it is working!
  9. Well i dont like the idea? Why to reward someone for earning karma?
  10. cool! well this is not a anti-bot system... because everyone is going to be able to add bots because there will be no names to report to gms when someone bots! So what's the point of it?helping players botting safe?
  11. i dont get the whole thing! what the hell is blocks?
  12. nice tut my friend... well i learned and something new from it! I didn't knew how to apply a patch!(i was always doing it manual!)
  13. Sucks! I though it was going to be a nice game... but when i played it... pf... i got bored in the 5 gameplay minutes! The graphics suck and the gameplay/control sucks too!
  14. Add this tag in the beginning of your tittle! [PS3,Xbox360,PC] ok... i think it's going to be a nice game!I havent play any other splinter cell game of the series...but i always wanted to... well why not!? oh...add in your title if this is a preview or a review! (I'm telling yor for your good... a mod may delete the topic if you dont, it's the rules!)
  15. I was playing Mafia 1 when it got released and i finished it! This one looks intresting!...I'm gonna download it soon!
  16. It's available for PC too! I'm actually playing it on my computer!
  17. Nice... i haven's played the last 2 series of nfs! I'm gonna play this one :D
  18. It's awesome! If you just remove or make bigger the angel(on the right) it should be perfect!
  19. pffff! i hate guys like you, who are sharing npcs and the dont put any screens to see how it looks like!
  20. i agree with Matim! they suck! and what's the point of posting them here when everyone can find them on the site you said that you found them? omg!
  21. thanks mate! it's a nice looking design! i'll download and add it in my collection!
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