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    .POiSON/BlackDoor. *DDoS FuN*

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  1. yes i have play all game )
  2. +1 1)L2 2) Cabal Online . Other game sux.
  3. Its Internet translator , you not undestend lesson?
  4. Yes , i undestend. Added. Maprex I seach in MxC and not find because i release it ...
  5. yes and add Evolution nise camedy .
  6. Yestardey i put Windows 7 but now i again on XP ... XP more stable ...
  7. In this lesson, we'll draw a glass ball. The main purpose of the lesson - to present an idea of how to achieve the desired result. Not necessarily zapiminat, for example, all the settings in the filters, the main thing - to understand what happens as a result of such a filter. The lesson is divided into 5 main parts: * Preparing and painting the main loop (steps 1 and 2) * Filling the gradients and the use of styles layers (steps 3 through 6) * Adding a highlight (step 7) * Adding a shadow (step 8) * The introduction of distortion (step 9) Step 1. Training Download to your computer the original image. Open it in Photoshop. Add a new layer by clicking Create a new layer. Make a circular selection using the Elliptical Marquee (click and hold with the Shift, to get the "correct" terms, without linear distortion), about the area and the size, as shown below: Step 2. Fill the allocation of basic color Click with the mouse on the foreground color In the window that appears, select the color (Color Picker) choose the color D6D3C0 (screenshot field identified as A): Select Tools Paint Bucket, and fill the selected color. Click Ctrl + D, to deselect (At Mac'ah instead Hit Command + D), the same effect, making the menu Select / Deselect. Step 3. Adding styles Stoev In the Layers panel click on the button Add a Layer Style, choose from the list item Inner Shadow, and use the following options (note that the chosen shade of white): The result should look like this: Step 4. Adding gradients Add a new layer by pressing a button Create a new layer. Group together with the previous layer: Ctrl + G (Command + G for Mac), or if you are using Photoshop CS2 - Ctrl + Alt + G (Command + Option + G for Mac). All located on this new layer will affect only nizhenahodyaschiysya layer, background layer will not be affected. Change the background color to 65645F. Now draw a gradient using the current color front / rear plan. Choose isntrument Gradient Tool (if not visible on the panel, look under the tool Paint Bucket Tool. Instrument panel options must be chosen linear gradient (B) and chosen the option Reverse © (other parameters leave the default): If this panel is not displayed a gradient with our color front / rear plan (), choose it from the available list in the (A). Draw a gradient as shown in the screenshot (from blue to red dot): I must get this result: Press D on your keyboard to set the default color. Add a layer mask by clicking on the button Add Layer Mask. Do not worry, that the color foreground and background in this case swapped, so it should be. Choose a radial gradient in the options panel of this tool (this is a button located near the linear gradient, marked B on the previous screenshot). Draw a radial gradient on the layer mask (on the Layers panel, it should be awarded double frame). The starting point in creating this gradient must be within our sphere, and of course - for him. Should get the following picture: Step 5. Again, adding layers styles We need to make a duplicate Layer 1. For this purpose a mouse click on the thumbnails of this layer on the Layers panel and hold the mouse button, drag the layer (A) to the button Create a new layer, then release the mouse button:: Note: Photoshop CS2 will vary with the layer of Layer 2 with the bunched at the usual. To remedy the situation needs to be done layer Layer 2 Active (click in the thumbnails), and press Ctrl + G (Command + G for Mac). Again, this should be done only in Photoshop CS2. Now we need to move one of the two overlapping layers (we have them now, two - Layer 1 and Layer 1 copy) over the others. To do this, click the mouse on the Layer 1 and drag it (B) upward. Drag need to monenta until the black line appears over the top layer, then release the mouse button: Make sure that this layer is active (left of thumbnails to display a brush layer), and reduce the Fill down to zero (A), then - double click on the icon Layer Style of this layer (B): Apply a layer of the following effects, note the way the overlay (Blend Mode), color and feature Use Global Light: Inner Shadow Inner Glow After all the manipulations should get the following: Step 6. Adding volume Adding a new layer. Select Tools Brush Tool. We need a fairly large brush with soft edges. On the options panel on top changes the parameters of the brush: the diameter of 150px, hardness 0%: White sets the foreground color. Put the brush once a "spot" in the center of our world in a new level (Layer 3). Blurs the resulting spot: the menu Filter / Effects / Gaussian Blur, radius 25. Note: because we have blurred the white point, outside the field that we defined in our a glass ball, appeared partially white pixels on a layer of Layer 3. Excess should be cut off, for this we use a fairly simple method: While a layer of Layer 3 remains active, double click on the thumbnails Layer 1, while holding the Ctrl (Command + click for Mac). With this we create a selection on a layer of Layer 3, which coincides with the circle on a layer Layer 1. Now create a layer mask - click on the Add Layer Mask button in the Layers panel. Thus we make invisible all the pixels outside the selection on a layer Layer 3. Now add a layer of transparency Layer 3 (reduce opacity to 30%). The following screenshot shows how we should look panel segments at the moment: Step 7. Create highlight Adding a new layer. Select tool and select the Brush Tool in its settings hard brush with a diameter of about 20. Set foreground color to white or very light yellow (eg FFFFE8). We put a highlight on the ball: Blurs with the filter Gaussian Blur (menu Effects / Blur / Gaussian Blur) with a small radius - 0.5. Adding styles for the layer (the button Add a Layer Style). Add Outer Glow effect with the following parameters: Step 8. Adding a shadow Turn on Layer 1 copy (click on it in the Layers panel). Reduces Fill up to 25%: Here is the magic moment of occurrence of a glass globe! At this stage you can play the parameters of layer effects, for more or less the glow on the edges of the ball. Now create a shadow. Making an active background layer with a newspaper, create a new layer. Again, a selection on the Limits of the world. When the active layer Layer 5, click on the layer Layer 1 (or Layer 1 copy) hold down Ctrl (Command + click for Mac). Press D, to set the default color. Choosing a tool Gradient Tool. In the options choose the radial gradient (B), inversion ©, and the type of gradient - from transparent to the background color (A and D): Draw a gradient (from center to edge separation). Now, using the Free Transform (located in the menu Edit, or simply Ctrl + T) "put" a shadow on the paper. To do this, omit the top edge until you get to look like Figure B: Deselect (Ctrl + D), and move the shadow to the right using Move Tool. Now you need to make a shadow not a contrast. Add transparency to the layer (opacity = 50%), and slightly blur the very shadow (filter Filter / Blur / Gaussian Blur with a radius of 2): Step 9. The deformation of the image, refracting ball Now we need to deform the part of the background image and shadow, which can be seen through the ball. Making the active layer Layer 5 (with shadow), and a selection on the edge of the sphere (click on Layer 1 or Layer 1 copy by holding Ctrl). Apply a filter Spherize (menu Filter / Distort / Spherize) with a value of 100%, Mode Normal. The same we make with the background (make it active - Ctrl + F, use Spherize). Result: Now the final touch: a little deform flare at the top of the world. We turn on a layer of Layer 4, transform (Ctrl + T) with parameters 65% horizontal scale and 45-degree rotation, double click Enter: Final: Thx for waching . Author: Lunacore Translation: Hm ...
  8. 1. New document: 400 400 72 ppi white background 2. Select the ellipse tool. Draw an ellipse as in the screenshot. 3. Use the convert point tool, to get this figure: 4. Right-click on the shape and choose make selection. Hide this layer (click on "глазик" in the layers palette) and create a new allocation, however, remains. Pour it into a new layer with black (D - Reset colors, and alt + backspace - Fill background color ..). Press ctrl + D, to deselect. 5. Select the smudge tool with the following parameters: Increase the zoom to 200% Draw the smudge tool `th, as shown in the screenshot. The scope of the brush of your choice - you can draw only on the edges, as can be and closer to the center of the figure. As a result, we obtain something like this: 6. Duplicate the layer with the resulting basis of the pen. Press ctrl + I (to invert the colors). Set the blend mode - difference. ctrl + E - for the merger of two consecutive layers. 7. Select the filter Filter> Noise> Add noise with the parameters: Set to 12 gausian monochromatic 8. Select the selection tool (rectangular, rectangular marque) and select half of your pen. Then select Filter> Blur> Motion Blur with the following parameters: 61 degrees 20 pixels 9. select> inverse (shift + ctrl + I) to invert the selection. Select Filter> Blur> Motion Blur with the following parameters: -61 Degrees 20 pixels ctrl + D 10. Select the pen tool, click below the top of the pen, then hold shift, click below the base of the pen, and then click the first point, thus connecting and creating a line. Select the Convert point tool, click twice on the top point and pull the vectors of the left and right. Have done the same with the bottom point. Displaying an example, I made a little bigger to be seen. 11. Right-click on the resulting line and select make selection. This layer of hide and create a new selection in this case remains. Choose Edit> Stroke with the following parameters: 1 px black outside normal opacity = 30% 12. Still selected, select the gradient tool (gradient tool) - mirror gradient (reflected gradient). Reset the color (D) and swap them (X). Draw a gradient from the center of your selection to the right while holding Shift. 13. ctrl + D to deselect. Hide the background (background) and press ctrl + shift + E - mail merge visible layers. 14. Select Filter> Distort> Shear 15. Press Ctrl + U to invoke dialogue tone \ saturation. Set the parameters: Outcome: Add shadow: Good Luck ;) Aftor: Developing Webs Group Traslate: NLObP + Google
  9. all game very cool ... respect for all ...
  10. Can do this for ATI i cant find worked driver for x1300 ... and i put again XP
  11. Its work on Final , P2 , Interlude ....
  12. Hart put hide 1 karma ppc ... only noob donators can see? I thinked its good site ... but i wrong ....
  13. Maybe on some server work senx ...
  14. Man you not test on GF ? its very usefull need to test if admin want ban me this noob cant find real char)
  15. download link: [Hidden Text: You have to become a Donator or VIP Member to see it] You joke? ppc put 1 karma ... its not donat portal ... I have 2 karma 1000+ posts i cant see ...
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