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About Xeroghost4

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    Buenos Aires
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  1. People like Older chronicles becouse they were "harder" no herbs no common items, no shadow items, lower rates overall, no x3 exp/sp from vitality (perma vita with herbs and so). I personally like the h5 graphics, and added stuff like disable right clicking cam fix, custom bindings and thats it. I think thats the reason why so many poeple play "Classic" servers right now. They are freaking hard, you have to farm a lot, you have to pvp and pk for the best spots so you will be farming the best exp/adena per hour, you have to craft items from D-C grade. The Core L2 idea is to Grind faster than others, craft gear, do raidbosses and dungeons in party and ofc pvp for all of this to take control.
  2. Yea, my bad, it works, but i cant create a male with female skills, only female -> berserker/soulhound. When i try to create a MALE Mage i just get a normal Male Kamael. Some advice?
  3. There is no trick, U go for Female SoulHound and then ur just showing that u can take a Male SoulHound as a subclass...
  4. Thanks for sharing, this is just what i needed.
  5. It used for funny, nothing more xD
  6. Ahaha, sweet... thnx 4 sharing
  7. the "Dual Dynasty Two-Handed Swords" looks amazing, thnx
  8. I need that too, specially the shirts
  9. Thnx for sharing, can u upload it in megaupload please?
  10. Jojo, safe enchant = 25 :O the chars will be overpowered.
  11. Great, i justo downloaded a walker, and i will try, if it works, ill be the most overenchanted prophet in my server xD
  12. This is great, and so easy to do :) thnx man!
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