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Everything posted by Meikis

  1. Start today! 1hour 35 minutes till start!
  2. Website: http://l2ngu.eu Start date: 2015.04.22! Two factions:Pirates vs Guards Unique maps system (changes after 50min) Mobs ,champions mobs treasure chests(drops enchant scrolls) on every map There is 20% chance that will be spawned raid boss on the map Artefacts - use seal of ruler skill to capture area and get reward, also will be rewarded all team members which are near artefact After death you can use "To Siege HQ" function, if your team haven't any flag you will be ported to base flag, if team have flags you will be randomly ported to flag after 10 seconds Nobless - can be bought in spec shop or you can get it if you will make last hit to raid boss Custom pvp drop, drop ammount is written in victim title Custom drop for capturing flag (FA, + clan pts if you have a clan) Commands: /online - shows factions count /map - shows current map info /rank - show you your total points, rank, current map points /dir - shows location to the center flag of current map (need to update patch) Oflline trade system. Olympiad (start time: 18:00 PM GMT+2, period - 1 week, heroes on sunday, minimum participations - 3) Buffs slots - 30 Hero buffs - 20 min Buffs time - 3h Max enchant weapon +15, armor +16 Enchant rates: Simple/Blessed scroll - 70% Auguement skill chance - 10% Custom title colors by pvp count, colors changing when your pvp kills count is: >100 < 250 >250 < 500 >500 < 1000 >1000 < 1500 > 1500 B grade is free, 3 types of A grade weapons (low, top, interlude) Starting level - 70 Custom tattoos: Tattoo of Doom(+100 p def), Tattoo of Divine (+100 m def) New accesories
  3. No I don't, balance is fixed and tested with some players.
  4. Website: www.l2ngu.eu Our Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/l2ngu Server start: 2015.02.20! Two factions: Pirates vs Guards Unique maps system (changes after 50min) Mobs ,champions mobs treasure chests(drops enchant scrolls) on every map There is 20% chance that will be spawned raid boss on the map Artefacts - use seal of ruler skill to capture area and get reward, also will be rewarded all team members which are near artefact After death you can use "To Siege HQ" function, if your team haven't any flag you will be ported to base flag, if team have flags you will be randomly ported to flag after 10 seconds Nobless - can be bought in spec shop or you can get it if you will make last hit to raid boss Custom pvp drop, drop ammount is written in victim title Custom drop for capturing flag (FA, + clan pts if you have a clan) Commands: /online - shows factions count /map - shows current map info /rank - show you your total points, rank, current map points /dir - shows location to the center flag of current map (need to update patch) Oflline trade system. Olympiad (start time: 18:00 PM GMT+2, period - 1 week, heroes on sunday, minimum participations - 3) Buffs slots - 30 Hero buffs - 20 min Buffs time - 3h Max enchant weapon +15, armor +16 Enchant rates: Simple/Blessed scroll - 70% Auguement skill chance - 10% Custom title colors by pvp count, colors changing when your pvp kills count is: >100 < 250 >250 < 500 >500 < 1000 >1000 < 1500 > 1500 B grade is free, 3 types of A grade weapons (low, top, interlude) Starting level - 70 New accesories And lots of more! Join us!
  5. Nice, thanks, easy and works!
  6. I want to add effect on the people that get close to a NPC.
  7. My bad, thought that name is uniqe
  8. I'm using L2j Acis 3xx, there is no such methods in Util class
  9. I want to add abnormal effect when player is inside xx radius of object, I've tried to use in L2Pcinstance something like - if(isInsideRadius(objX,objY,objZ,500, false, false)) { startAbnormalEffect(AbnormalEffect.MAGIC_CIRCLE); sendMessage("You have entered artefact area"); } but it doesn't work, how to do it right?
  10. Do you tested them on their base spawns or you spawned them? I'm spawning 18286 chest. For now I just added script reload method to gameserver.java, but it's not fix at all. Here is my chests.java : http://pastebin.com/02abU73c , all lines which I've modified was marked - meikis.
  11. I didin't checked other scripts for same problems, I mean chests are working, but chance to open them with keys is - 0, even if set 100% in script, when I reload script chance is working like is set in the script.
  12. Hi, I spawned chests, but when I first time run server I can't open them with keys, for tests I've modified opening chance to 100% in chests.java script, but when I make reload scripts from admin panel they are working like should, when I restart server I can't open chest (they ust start attacking) until I make reload scripts, where is problem? I'm using latest free Acis source.
  13. I just want to add artefacts in some locations and make all players can cast, almost done, there were checks in L2Pcistance by target type.
  14. Hello, I want to make skill - seal of ruler (246) can be used on my NPC, not in siege time. I removed all check in net.sf.l2j.gameserver.handler.skillhandlers.TakeCastle.java, @Override public void useSkill(L2Character activeChar, L2Skill skill, L2Object[] targets) { if (activeChar == null || !(activeChar instanceof L2PcInstance)) return; if (targets.length == 0) return; final L2PcInstance player = (L2PcInstance) activeChar; //if (!player.isClanLeader()) //return; //final Castle castle = CastleManager.getInstance().getCastle(player); //if (castle == null || !player.checkIfOkToCastSealOfRule(castle, true, skill, targets[0])) //return; player.sendMessage("engraved"); } But when I try to cast it on ArtefactInstance NPC (e.g. 35279) it says - Seal of ruler cannot be used due to unsuitable terms, why?
  15. It was bug with paypall donations, not protections.
  16. Thanks, but I've missed in your code this part: spawn.startRespawn(); SpawnTable.getInstance().addNewSpawn(spawn, false); spawn.doSpawn(); Found missed part in 7s code.
  17. Hello, I'm spawning mobs from the core side, using code like: L2MonsterInstance mob = new L2MonsterInstance(IdFactory.getInstance().getNextId(),NpcTable.getInstance().getTemplate(21425)); mob.setHeading(0); mob.setCurrentHpMp(mob.getMaxHp(), mob.getMaxMp()); mob.spawnMe(x, y, z); but after killing this mob it is not respawning, it's possible to set respawn time in this way? Or I should make script and set respawn time in onKill() method?
  18. Exception in thread "GeneralSTPool-8" java.lang.NullPointerException at net.sf.l2j.gameserver.model.entity.VoteRewardTopzone.reward(VoteRewardTopzone.java:183) at net.sf.l2j.gameserver.model.entity.VoteRewardTopzone$1.run(VoteRewardTopzone.java:65) at net.sf.l2j.gameserver.ThreadPoolManager$RunnableWrapper.run(ThreadPoolManager.java:85) 183 line in my code - String pIp = p.getClient().getConnection().getInetAddress().getHostAddress(); Maybe it's beacause of offline shops?
  19. Start today: 15:00 GMT +2
  20. Thanks, this is good solution, thanks for all answers :) Sorry for my English :D
  21. Hello, I have custom instance NPC and when I cast fear it running, how to block fear on npc? I can't modify stats, because this is flag, which need to be killed by players. Sources - L2j Acis.
  22. It's completely new server core, so it's new server, now it have good balance, i didn't gave items to anyone and on the first start it was critical bug, you can find my server url in russian hack forum,now everything is fixed, futhermore too much items was in donate shop, now donate is more balanced :)
  23. Hello, I want to set NPC title from the core, but it is not set, source - latest L2j Acis, on L2j Acis 214 this code was working: L2TpFlagInstance flag = new L2TpFlagInstance(IdFactory.getInstance().getNextId(),NpcTable.getInstance().getTemplate(50011)); flag.setTitle(myTitleVar); P.S. L2TpFlagInstance extends L2Npc
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