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Everything posted by Meikis

  1. Firstly tell what server pack you are using?
  2. Lol use rin4a buffer, just manually add NPC row...I'm using it on the latest L2jserver and works fine...
  3. Hello, problem is here: Maybe st1.close() is in the wrong place, where it should be or what is wrong? Btw script is working just geting error in console. NVM Fixed.
  4. My homework is done. The solution is : if (activeChar.getName().equals("Admin")) { activeChar.sendMessage("Hello Admin");}
  5. Sorry mistake in post, there are brackets and ; in my code,no errors in eclipse,yes i'm checking for character name. Thanks mongo, as i was expecting the problem is equal operator.
  6. When I'm checking character username when character enters the world if statement don't work even if it should. For e.g. if (activeChar.getName() == "Admin") { activeChar.sendMessage("Hello Admin");} ,this part of code is placed in enterworld.java, it is L2jserver H5. Btw when i just using activeChar.sendMessage(activeChar.getName); it works...
  7. Yep, it is, but instead character is activeChar, activeChar.getName, thanks ;)
  8. Hi, i need a function to get an active character name on l2jserver h5.
  9. Here is Coyote's GvE for epilogue : http://www.filesonic.com/file/1653693514/Faction_Engine.rar
  10. Man it's is easier to user macros like > attakcforce, useskillforce skillname
  11. линк не работоет, перезалить может кто?
  12. Use google man, btw IT depends on chronicle you are using so search by own :))
  13. No you are crazy to play with patches when you just have to replace files and compile. If need patch compare code and made it by own I'm not helping for such retarded ppl.
  14. What link? All you need is php code in my post.
  15. Change imports if need and just replace files. I can't make .diff cause files like communityboard.java and clanbbsmanager.java have different structure in different packs.
  16. So here is a code to fastly check characters inventory through the web. Post form for charname input : <form action='invent.php' method='post'> <input type='text' class='ainput' name='charname' value='Char name' /> <input type='submit' class='abutt' name='Submit' value='Get Inventory'/> </form> Conect to database: <?php $host="localhost"; // Host name $dusername="root"; // Mysql username $dpassword="пароль"; // Mysql password $db_name="stable"; // Database name mysql_connect("$host", "$dusername", "$dpassword")or die("cannot connect"); mysql_select_db("$db_name")or die("cannot select DB"); ?> Inventory query (dowload items icons images and put to /items/ folder,): include('connect.php'); $charname = $_POST['charname']; $query = "SELECT * from characters WHERE char_name = '$charname'"; $result=mysql_query($query) or die ('Error:' .mysql_error()); while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result, MYSQL_ASSOC)) { $accid = $row['obj_Id']; } $query1 = "SELECT * from items WHERE owner_id = '$accid'"; $result1 = mysql_query($query1) or die ('Error:' .mysql_error()); Echo " <div id='topa'>$charname INVENTORY</div> <table> <tr><td>Item</td> <td>Count</td> <td>Enchant</td> <td>Location</td> </tr> "; while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result1, MYSQL_ASSOC)) { $itemid = $row['item_id']; $count = $row['count']; $enchant = $row['enchant_level']; $loc = $row['loc']; echo " <tr> <td><img src='items/$itemid.gif'/></td> <td>$count</td> <td>$enchant</td> <td>$loc</td> "; } echo "</table>"; Ofc SS: Credits to me.
  17. It was fix from the first l2joff pack if remeber this team.Special thanks for Adryan who completed work on my request not like teon devs :<
  18. Share deleted, beacuse ppl to lame to use this.Please close topic.
  19. Fail,just copy paste from servergame web...
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