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Everything posted by Haxout

  1. Desert Egale wings looks cool . Goku face is lol xD
  2. I'm not arguing, yea wc is faster and zerk isn't so important.
  3. Well i agree they dont advertise it too much. But i have yet to see a new mmo with big mass pvps,sieges so until then, l2 is still more fun than most MMO.
  4. WC, its practically prp + vampiric rage.
  5. Not find it helpful ? :D well ty
  6. If i get bored of l2 its because of long farming
  7. As always Archers, Daggers, Mages.
  8. 1) It's not bad, it's ok graphics. Besides graphics don't make the game, WoW proved that over the years. 2) Actually it's more balanced than previous chronicles, Kamaels are strong in Gracia Final (One of best oly, pve and pvp chars), dwarfs got a small boost, and a lot of D.efl/elf classes are better than Orc and human . 3) Well new skills, fortresses, raid bosses where ok. 4) Like any other MMO 5) Depends on server mostly. All in all L2 is still alive and will be for some years atleast. The fun depends on friends, clans ,mass pvp. There are still some big l2off low rate private servers with large number of people and those are the only ones with mass pvp and big clans. I will agree high rates are getting more boring everyday.
  9. Breaking Bad, House M.D., Dexter (not the cartoon ;D).
  10. -4men = dead before you can say "mage". and int on dagger isn't the same as mage, so -4int is like what, -60m.atk ? no big deal. You won't see the difference.
  11. Dyes depend on your server and on your play style. If it's something like off, -dex +con for pvp, +str +dex - con for pve. P.S. for duelist you can wear only force master.
  12. Legendary Giran shops :D
  13. Lol , PW is the BEST dagger. At least on official and l2off private servers. With focus death AW's hex and crit DMG passives are useless cuz who cares backstab 6k or 7k, you still will kill any mage in 1 hit. And since PW stats>aw stats(better evasion, atk.speed, speed, hp, self buffs on oly), pw is a little better. All daggers are almost the same though. So get buffs,SA,etc on Crit DMG and go kill everyone.
  14. Gotta say no big difference, in gracia final POW gives only +2 or 3% more crit chance, so its max like 22/23%,more p.def (i think, don't remember too well) and more HP.Magnus gives more m.atk i think and does not give -20% speed. So i think Magnus - PVE, POW - PVP.
  15. I think it's worse than Enemy Territory, but its still fun if you're a fan.
  16. American Pie got stupid from 4th movie
  17. I've read more opinions of daggers, and most still go +4dex +4con - 8 str in gracia final, so i'd say my option was indeed good for both knifes and bows. but if you're really serious, go only +4wit-4int, but i don't recommend it.
  18. Rune or Aden. Aden has best "garden" in front of the castle, but inside Rune is awesome.
  19. It's "ok" on low levels, but on higher it's useless when you earn a lot more adena per 1 mob.
  20. I've seen yea, and i was one too :D better than that fat male guy with heavy armor, too easy to click on in pvp :D
  21. TBH Vice City, me and friends where kids and used to take turns after somebody dies, and we where like : woah ! machine gunning people on streets, exploding cars, wrenching a guy to the face, awesome ! :D
  22. Yea a little bit. But i guess you have to choose to be effective with a bow or be effective with a knife, and since you're an Aw..
  23. If you get all epics, all great items all atributes, go PR. If you're in the middle for money SR/HE - they're both great in different situations.
  24. x30, class changer is great .but custom shop is boohoo.
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