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Everything posted by Formate

  1. yea.. she is the voice actor of pikachu and its japanese... xD
  2. Formate


    if u really cant get rid of it try a system restore?
  3. yea agree a l2 movie, trilogy or something would be really awesome
  4. think its kinda different if u compare cs with l2 since its pretty much different but yea L2 all the way
  5. i forgot what version it was but.. Day of defeat, older version was the best
  6. i tried this game and played for bout 2 weeks with some friends then we all stopped so much grind and its totally depended on the pet... kinda... yea it got boring pretty faster after a short while
  7. the 2 first links doesnt seem to work anymore >.<, can u upload on a mirror maybe? thanks for the share
  8. lol omg... digimon online o.o... looks like ragnarok? havent played any though... dont think ill try either XD
  9. i vote for ventrilo and not teamspeak. maybe i didnt know how to use teamspeak well, but from what i saw you cant customize the volume for each person in teamspeak, which you can in ventrilo and such... Ventrilo all the way! ^^
  10. diablo3 seems to be postponed so many times, dont think it will be that great though. gonna stay with lineage2 still only game im waiting for now is blade & soul
  11. it goes both way, theres a big chance that the one who really likes eg music, also buys with money, while dling ._.
  12. rather sph, since if you fail silence, the sph have a chance to silence you necro is pretty bad vs some melees though, at least what ive experience if the summon dies fast necro = screwed
  13. i would go for overlord cause of the many buffs they can use + hp drain but mana could be a problem although, u can wear a melee weapon too
  14. Formate

    ANIME !!

    i forgot to mention... Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann... gotta be one of the best ones out there too p.p do any of you know if the movies are out for subs?
  15. hahaah street lineage XDDD the 1st vid is pretty old though =d thanks for sharing
  16. Sony e3 2006 Press Conference in 1 minute "famous battles which actually took place"
  17. wth that seems a little bit off, can u really jump that far, half-flying away with just a jump, off another player x.x seems weirdd
  18. sub skills are modified right? like in some private servers, where they made it possible to get skills from both mainclass+subclass? or have i missed something x.x
  19. lightning barrier <3
  20. thanks can be pretty useful making a race you almost never played before =d
  21. well the thing is every mage sucks if u use the resist element buffs. at least necro has very decent debuffs + a summon with that 50% dmg thingie. in high rate servers basically every mage sucks cause of resist buffs + the archers with high enchanted bows that manages to crit you for 4k+
  22. wow that looks pretty amazing... really a nice job of the devs o.o can anyone how well the server is working though? number of players, lag etc?
  23. the only thing is that u see the enchant result faster (fail or success) but you still have to wait for the scroll and <item> image to merge before being able to enchant again
  24. GorillasXTomatoes Teahouse Ceremony \o/ Redsky clan seems to be spread out on alot of servers
  25. i did play silkroad long time ago but it was too time consuming due to the mega grinding.... >_< find sro really fun though, just that damned grinding
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