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Everything posted by honi

  1. i suggest you use this one http://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=193328.0
  2. im prefer 1 hand dagger, cuz i think it made fast skill
  3. Freya (x300&x1000 no costum) with FULL DDoS Pro,balanced...etc...
  4. i use proxy and now i can access your 4rum, already downloaded l2tower but i have a trouble with creat licsence key, my pc said cant connect to your host server, dont know why :(?
  5. i cant access l2tower.eu, dont know why, someone pls give me download link!
  6. Does it work on interlude client?
  7. want to play, but got banned now, so sad
  8. it looks funny man. COOL
  9. How is it going Romeo? When will your server be done?
  10. have some days off and i dont know what to do now, hope your server open soon
  11. when will it down again?
  12. there it is : http://thepiratebay.se/torrent/7056456/Lineage_II_Goddess_of_Destruction_client_Official_Server_options
  13. wow, really cool man, ty for sharing
  14. honi

    interlude [L2J]L2Rose

    sound great, i will invite my friends playing with me in your server
  15. i was hit by GH 12k dmg, GH has amazing dmg
  16. Mafia 2 Ofc.
  17. i thinks my first game is shooting duck @@
  18. waiting for crack version, im still playing fm2012 :))
  19. knight and merchant 2 OMG have someone played this game, it's so old
  20. GTA SA and borderlands 2 :D i love FPS game
  21. yes, can you post video or some ss pls?
  22. barbarian is the most time-efficient and economical build to be able to farm
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