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Everything posted by |Itachi

  1. go make some posts noob ds2 xD
  2. Lipon to blepo sixna kai tsantizome otan tous leo oti ine ta top noobs tou l2..... Autoi mou apantane oti pezoun tank me damage(OMG) lipon gia pite mou ti gnomi sas gia heavy armor se dager class Edit by ExTrEmEDwarf: ΜΙΛΑΜΕ ΓΙΑ BALANCED SERVERS ΧΩΡΙΣ DONATE ΚΑΙ ΑΠΑΓΟΡΕΥΟΝΤΑΙ ΑΥΣΤΗΡΑ ΟΙ ΑΠΑΝΤΗΣΕΙΣ ΑΠΟ BRAIN DAMAGED KIDS ευχαριστώ.
  3. Ip restriction is cool really btw this will help the server to clean :D
  4. Make a hight rate x5000 and i will join as soon as possible ;p
  5. that sucks
  6. Mi postaris toso megala kimena ine diskolo na diabastoun XD
  7. yy useless str on dagger....
  8. btw sorry for double post messages stacked (LOL) georgetsotsoros@windowslive.com
  9. I use one handed dagger Critical Damage Amor vesper noble leather light Deys: +4dex -4str and +4 con -4 str also +4wit -4int offtopic: TheEnd add me on msn bro (pm sent)
  10. |Itachi

    ANIME !!

  11. Stil slower than emails :P
  12. lol there isnt just one place for the render O.o and anyway the placement is ok i think
  13. you got me ;P
  14. Kalos kai o nene btw agira auton? kai pou klini i metagrafi enoo ine 8etikos?
  15. krima kai o eduardo ine imba :P
  16. Ka8os ime elbetia kai sto net den exoun elinika XD 8a milisi greeklis btw!!!!!!!!!! 3erete nea gia eduardo? o camoranesi eklise? o nene?
  17. indeed :S btw actually is so easy to avoid keylogers but the forum is full of kidos
  18. Today I requested an avatar in ps misc section in stef topic... Then i recieved an email by fix who told me that he was stefoulis... BUT he said he wasnt greek O.o btw: 1st message: someone stole my account and change the password + email ... Stefoulis15 here ;( 2nd: I'm not kidding with you, they stole my account 3rd: Help me to take my acc back 4th: Talk with maxtor or to make 1 topic? He dont answer me 5th: Look at report section and give 1 comment All messages sent by fix also i recieved another strange message: A "denial-of-service" attack is characterized by an explicit attempt by attackers to prevent legitimate users of a service from using that service. Attacks can be directed at any network device, including attacks on routing devices and web, electronic mail, or Domain Name System servers. A DoS attack can be perpetrated in a number of ways. The five basic types of attack are: 1. Consumption of computational resources, such as bandwidth, disk space, or processor time 2. Disruption of configuration information, such as routing information. 3. Disruption of state information, such as unsolicited resetting of TCP sessions. 4. Disruption of physical network components. 5. Obstructing the communication media between the intended users and the victim so that they can no longer communicate adequately. A DoS attack may include execution of malware intended to: * Max out the processor's usage, preventing any work from occurring. * Trigger errors in the microcode of the machine. * Trigger errors in the sequencing of instructions, so as to force the computer into an unstable state or lock-up. * Exploit errors in the operating system, causing resource starvation and/or thrashing, i.e. to use up all available facilities so no real work can be accomplished. * Crash the operating system itself. Link Removed. There are stupidos that would click here >_> from : Pwpwpw 3 post -1 karma thanks
  19. pro spammer :P ontopic:ginete kai auto pou les to 8ema ine mi bi kai kana malakismeno eki kai patise gk gia iner castle ;)
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