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Everything posted by balthazor

  1. I've been looking for a c4 - interlude low rate server without any custom x1-x10 exp rate with many ppl online if its possible , I miss those servers just like old times
  2. παιδικα-cartoons
  3. Asmo's of course but I'm elyos -.- I dont want to lose my elyos char thats why :D
  4. Server looks so good I'll try it.(Some people saying about dagger and archers wearing heavy :S please fix it :D)
  5. I think its already posted :D Btw I tried the server and I dont really like it...I mean the farm all this is nice but daggers and archers wearing heavy armor...they have to fix this its like a tank with dagger skills...you have 3k pdef and you gained 5k from saggi :S btw server is fucked up of olympiad too :D
  6. I think that the problem is armors too...Btw lets post all those at forum :D
  7. low server daggers are overpowered and Oly is bugged(when you die y ou won...)And they put the heroes today omg what the hell?
  8. http://l2deimos.tk ta spaei o server :D 1mob=80lvl server me sxedon mpoliko farm kai polu pvp
  9. yy exei ksanagini post polles fores ala dn xalaei kai mia epen8imisi!(8a to testarw tora elpizw na douleuei:)
  10. Me exei priksi enas friend m pou to vlpi k m leei sinexia suka :P(dn t exw dei akoma perimenw na telioso m naruto k meta 8 paw one piece!)Genika ta giaponezika anime ine polu kalitera apo ta Ellinika kai ta upolipa!
  11. This server rocks join people!!Alot of pvp but I think they need to fix olympiad as soon as possible...
  12. Look Here ;P http://www.flickr.com/photos/naturalblu/178866251/ http://www.flickr.com/photos/sinan/174403525/
  13. I would but not x5. x40-x50
  14. C4,C5 or Interlude X4-X10000 Sieges Olympiad NO DONATE NO CUSTOM I suggest a low server ;) but if you dont know any low server give me a high/medium
  15. 8a xairomoun tin eleu8eria m k 8a poronomoun l2 oloi tin mera ;)
  16. elefantiosi
  17. Ilios
  18. I voted Normal Pvp server max +16((max +8 is better ^^ but theres no server like this one -.- ))
  19. staxtopouta
  20. aprofilaktos
  21. sampoterr@yahoo.gr ((msn ine k auto an k dn fnt :D))
  22. L2Alfa
  23. k miti mn s pw Exeis ksirisi tis arxidotrixes s?
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