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About N3rvaS

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  1. Good price, fast response
  2. Spend 2 days for looking something like this!!! Thx >:D
  3. Server is almost dead ~200on x5 ....
  4. N3rvaS


    XP sp3 just simple just best :P
  5. Lol ;D google.ru pictures search vodka ;]
  6. I like how apple look like ;] just this reason
  7. really hart stick in 7level ;/
  8. ... No one know UFO exist or not ...
  9. I`am playing in l2luna ;D its like no l2 ;D
  10. Don`t like this game ;D
  11. Nice!!! thx ;D its really funnny with my children
  12. I surfe all forum try a lot walkers... and no one works with this server i thing the problem is that i don`t know wich l2 asrv i have to use. Please give link for l2 asrv for heallbound :-X
  13. I want something like that too!! And i try many of server and never found ;/ if server witout donation it is full of bugs ant etc. if with donation it`s no fun, and it normal server witout donation it is LOW rate ;/
  14. Need to cahage host? if yes where it get?
  15. i thing better for oly will be 3 reds evaision
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