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† VaiÑ™ ♥

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Everything posted by † VaiÑ™ ♥

  1. an 8es kt elafri k arketa kala, vale to norton 2009
  2. ready engine ??hmm nah , i don't think so.. at least i haven't seen an engine like that to be shared somewhere b4..
  3. already posted by fdLp btw the original post is from rz
  4. wow,seems really cool! But where is the site ? :P
  5. I want to know your opinion about which is the easiest class for leveling! From my personal experience (I'm playing wow about 1 month :P) i think that hunters are the most easiest But let's see your opinion. . . ;D
  6. Already Posted.
  7. to diavasa r c...otn leo dn mas ka8ode..dn enow afto akrivos.. enow genika dn mas 8eloun klp...
  8. if your pack has configs for herbs ratedrop..make it 0 and you will be ok!
  9. Otn dn mas ka8ode, oloi etc leme.. dn aksizei! lol dn borw na t katalavo afto :P
  10. Kapou to exo ksanadei afto edo :P ntax kaloutsiko ine..fasi exei xD!
  11. Any errors at the console?
  12. Don't triple post! Try to re-install your pack.
  13. Gia katse r, epidi dld stis ales xores dn tous kegete karfaki an pe8enei kapio pedi apo astinomiko prpei na ginei etc kai stin dikia mas xora ?! Oti kanoun oi aloi na t kanoume k emeis ?! eleos dld...ligos sevasmos pros tn an8ropini zwi.... p ine k allwste to pio simadiko pragma.... k episis OTI MA OTI K an ekane to pedi, to na skoto8ei dn einai me tpt dikea timoria... dld pos 8a t pame? of8almou adi of8almou ?? k as pigene na skotosei to pedi(p dn pigene...) kai as skotose(p dn to kane) prpei i tomoria na ein o 8anatos t ??
  14. Kala an ginei afto tn g****me oloi mas xD! To internet meta apo afto 8a ginei edelos gtp :'(
  15. Release date 9 oct ?? lol :/ before a couple of months i have read that it would be released in the first 3 months of 2009.. bullshit ;D
  16. An mas peis ti pirakses sto core....
  17. Nice sig dude! x0ax0ax0ax xD!
  18. Site says that server hacked :o
  19. Death Date 18 June 2076 :p
  20. Ninja gaiden- xbox
  21. before some months l2 have celebrated his 4rth year!! :o :o :o ::)
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