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Everything posted by Etkin

  1. Its on beta mod and no live date?
  2. Looking for 1x multiskill high five server
  3. 8 shop char and 0 active player. gl
  4. i just loged and seen premium bufs +30 and +15. gl hf.
  5. anti bot and ddos protection?
  6. this packet have a many disbalance. dagger - summoner op on every l2-scripts server and after 1 week die.
  7. gogo opening tomorrow. call your cp and pwn all.
  8. there is no mid rate h5 and this 1 have good info. GL
  9. server is sux again.
  10. fail server .fully bot.
  11. with ip its work. lets see. gm need a change system
  12. server is still down. realy pro start.
  13. ok then, the time is watch "How I Met Your Mother" ^^
  14. there is no download link system. and cant test till 29th
  15. login is ok with ip. but still fail start.
  16. there is writing gmt +2 22:00. there is 22:06 gmt +2 still down.
  17. 22:02 and not on.
  18. server not on? and website no work?
  19. gl. and ill test it when open beta start
  20. server is good and they fix everything. hf
  21. sux buffer. spawn normal 1.
  22. i hope its too no go fail like l2blazon. im still w8ing good 1.
  23. lets see tomorrow. full clan start here.
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