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Everything posted by Etkin

  1. when its opening?
  2. 8 member left in 1 minute. gl
  3. give a more info. buf slot?
  4. ill try it
  5. +1 for this server fail everywhere is bot and gms no asking when have problem.
  6. lets try this one< and i see zones work.
  7. how u are dumb ? Uploaded with ImageShack.us
  8. ? How is good . Gl hf
  9. am i sayed give me item? anyway u chields creat a more fail server and give a enhants to player and say blablabla. gl and have fun
  10. nexus u dumb gm , u are gived enchant near the duelist and u sayed "i told u to help" how u guys lier
  11. hi guys 1 more fail server with gms giving items to player. Uploaded with ImageShack.us
  12. +1 fail server look this:) Uploaded with ImageShack.us
  13. nice pvp craft server:) lets see when open<
  14. there is good but only for waste time... cuz i see a vesper armor and weapon on donate... gl with your server im and my 8 friend leaved.
  15. site 404 - Not Found :) gl
  16. i made disable antivirüs and made patch from game. when im start game its giving error from 2nd box. and i cant made all the time disable antivirüs for this system make a new system patch.
  17. i have downloaded system but has a trojen < Esed Nod32 >
  18. dont liked< dagger type server. gl
  19. +1 there is bad. gl
  20. look there is fine but realy chance open date<
  21. i played at this server and dont liked : 1 ) Mana pots 200 mp and its not good for me 2 ) farm items only -72 mobs with silver and bla bla droping for exchance gold but gold is droping in gracia zone mobs 4 6 k hiting:D 3 )Buffer not done 4 )All the time lag
  22. Gl ill check it<
  23. +13
  24. ill give u some ideas for your server; increase adena - questdrop - sealstones rate,mana pots a re giving low mana 200 and when im start atack with skill i cant use mana pots on action need a stop skills fix it ; and increase lvl hellbound too 11 and spawn in town merchant mammon and blacksmith mamon if i remember others ill write there.
  25. site is working fine now. gl
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