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Everything posted by Sighed

  1. After making some checks i saw you are right, its a shame not using arma its a good packer, btw guys what information you have about LARP64 ?
  2. The point guys isn't the engine.dll packed with enigma, but l2.exe packed with Armadillo
  3. http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=129946.msg914175#msg914175 Check XManton answer, next time use search button.
  4. I think they want to make some kind of stuff, that requires an extender ? Or maybe im wrong ?
  5. If i remember well there is a CT2.3 extender, or maybe epilogue, not sure. If i remember URL i will edit my post.
  6. Good explanation but it don't need to be necesary cisco, there are much better protections than cisco.
  7. Use search engine and perhaps you will find something, cause this already exists. Btw login is 2106 and game is 7777 you should find blackout gaming status, ofc how many ppl online require something more, but you can find it too.
  8. The Random Access memory tunning, its not something for l2off tune. /3GB won't enable you to see the additional 4GB or 8GB of RAM you added to your new server /3GB doesn't necessarily make your application 50% more efficient /3GB should not be a standard for your environment (there are exceptions) Its like using an experimental parameter like /PAE on x86 systems without knowing what shit you can screw up with it.
  9. It works if people got some skills (it requires some hard work) to do it, but even if it works, its pretty UNSTABLE, so i don't recommend it.
  10. Maybe he is using a old pack that, everytime you try to run it doesn't work (i saw one pack like that, repeated hundred of times). What pack is he using ? EmmE and paylis92, your knowledge is Thousands of Light years (or even more) far from mcbigmac and Anarchy, so at least you should shut your mouth and try to talk with some respect, they want you to start TO SEARCH AND USE LOGIC, that you are not using, your comments are just useless, when people will see how thankful you are the will just ignore you, cause i think the words "Thank You, Sorry, and many others" are missing in your brain cause your mom never educated you well, so stop answering in that way cause that don't won't help you in any way, you look like an ignorant that gets angry when people face the truth against him.
  11. It can be an extender, all of us know that there are still people making extenders.
  12. DDoS is not something automatic, people are always behind it, so ppl that are used to do it, will know what to and bypass it, i think they scan the targets before doing anything.
  13. Maybe he wants to tell that he needs someone to provide him the files or something.
  14. I think you don't understand that people respect others work and i don't think that someone will bother trying to crack a new version. I guess you checked and saw that its not the old protection system but something much better xD. Why you don't provide something like new extenders to crack ? But a good addon for server, that is cheap, you want to crack it ? For what ? Just for fun ? Or for screw up someones job ? I only see ppl trying to crack modx, don't have the balls for trying others soft ? Cause 1 time it was cracked next time it will be easier ? xD
  15. Read. [GUIDE] Gameserver packets- packages for fun and develop
  16. hahahaa funny topic start, Alright then. How do you add buffer on gracia epilogue off server? I dont think they got any Guard soft but it must be smeli pack or Guard (Naaaahhhhhhh) :D
  17. Well i have to say that the Software protection is a bit useless for DDoS i recommend you getting a hardware protection.
  18. lol this is awesome, another fake server ? As always on MxC i find some fun :D
  19. I think the best option for him is using //eventmatch or learning NASC, now i don't know if he will want to learn.
  20. I don't think they are fresh stolen, its a dVampire or maybe a normal C4 pack
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