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Everything posted by L2Virus

  1. Any1 Playing FlyForFun ? I have on Demian : BowJester lvl 111-M RingMaster lvl 100 Glaphan : BowJester lvl 98 RingMaster lvl 82
  2. As the guys from up tells .... look here :) http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?board=6.0
  3. hm .. not bad at all , atm im using and is very useful.
  4. For u yes :) for Romania , No.
  5. Thank you very much for this usseful tool :D
  6. EDIT ! Srry for this thread here :-[ i did want to tell my opinion to other server.
  7. 1 time .. and that was with a titan ^.^
  8. Hm ... i could say that is a good server , gm ( whoever is ) is fixing everything that don't work. Now pharaoh needs players :) If u'r newbie , where u go and farm there always will ks u . RB Get's lethal
  9. Some of the server fixed this "Exploit" , and still working on some servers
  10. hai salut ;)
  11. The best faction server !!!! Alot of PvP :D this is the first server that i vote every day. My "home" i could say.
  12. Hello to all people that use this forum :) Im from Romania , 20 years old.... hm no more details :D maybe my life wil be hacked by those cheaters ^.^ ( just kiddin')
  13. I did figure out this trick my self .... and it's working on all kind of versions of l2.
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