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  1. those are different shops, one is controlled by multisell and the other one is coded directly in AI.obj
  2. it is so great to read Smeli again! great job there mate!
  3. how did you solve it?
  4. can you upload those files somewhere else? can't create accounts on those websites!
  5. was anybody able to download this thing?
  6. describe what you wanna do? there are things that you can and things that you can't do on l2off
  7. You need access Ask for access, or switch to an account with access.
  8. si es un buff de part tienes que cambiar el target en el skilldata. if it is a party buff you need to change "target" on skilldata file.
  9. i'm using vangant pack and i'm using the authd that comes with the pack, I don't want to change it hehe, i want to fix the script so i can use my register page.
  10. I'm working on a Player Control Panel for their accounts, it should let players register accounts, change password and recover password. everything was working good, but when i tried encription it went wrong, it works with some passwords but with others it doesn't, I'm using this script to encrypt passwords, shared by Simple2008 http://www.maxcheaters.com/topic/106006-sharec-l2off-password-encryption/ the thing is that this script does work with some passwords and not with all passwords players uses. for example: root -> 0xB1BE70E9A83F19192CB593935EC4E2E2 --> my encription root -> 0xB1BE70E9A83F19192CB593935EC4E2E2 --> l2pass.exe cafecafe150 -> 0x31F7E38C3108CA12BB3ECC18D54F6969 --> my encription cafecafe150 -> 0x31F7E38C3108CD15BC39C81CD14B6D6D --> l2pass.exe as you can see, it encrypts only some passwords I'm doing it as follows(in code) encpw ep = new encpw(); var pw = ep.encpwd(txtNewPassword.Text); Response.Write(BitConverter.ToString(pw).Replace("-", "")); encpw is the next code: public byte[] encpwd(string password) { var key = new byte[16]; long one, two, three, four; var dst = new byte[16]; var nBytes = password.Length; for (var i = 0; i < nBytes; i++) { key[i] = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(password.Substring(i, 1))[0]; dst[i] = key[i]; } long rslt = @key[0] + @key[1] * 256 + @key[2] * 65536 + @key[3] * 16777216; one = rslt * 213119 + 2529077; one = one - ToInt32(one / 4294967296) * 4294967296; rslt = @key[4] + @key[5] * 256 + @key[6] * 65536 + @key[7] * 16777216; two = rslt * 213247 + 2529089; two = two - ToInt32(two / 4294967296) * 4294967296; rslt = @key[8] + @key[9] * 256 + @key[10] * 65536 + @key[11] * 16777216; three = rslt * 213203 + 2529589; three = three - ToInt32(three / 4294967296) * 4294967296; rslt = @key[12] + @key[13] * 256 + @key[14] * 65536 + @key[15] * 16777216; four = rslt * 213821 + 2529997; four = four - ToInt32(four / 4294967296) * 4294967296; key[3] = ParseInt(one / 16777216); key[2] = ParseInt((((Int32)(one - @key[3] * 16777216)) / 65535)); key[1] = ParseInt((one - @key[3] * 16777216 - @key[2] * 65536) / 256); key[0] = ParseInt((one - @key[3] * 16777216 - @key[2] * 65536 - @key[1] * 256)); key[7] = ParseInt(two / 16777216); key[6] = ParseInt((two - @key[7] * 16777216) / 65535); key[5] = ParseInt((two - @key[7] * 16777216 - @key[6] * 65536) / 256); key[4] = ParseInt((two - @key[7] * 16777216 - @key[6] * 65536 - @key[5] * 256)); key[11] = ParseInt(three / 16777216); key[10] = ParseInt((three - @key[11] * 16777216) / 65535); key[9] = ParseInt((three - @key[11] * 16777216 - @key[10] * 65536) / 256); key[8] = ParseInt((three - @key[11] * 16777216 - @key[10] * 65536 - @key[9] * 256)); key[15] = ParseInt(four / 16777216); key[14] = ParseInt((four - @key[15] * 16777216) / 65535); key[13] = ParseInt((four - @key[15] * 16777216 - @key[14] * 65536) / 256); key[12] = ParseInt((four - @key[15] * 16777216 - @key[14] * 65536 - @key[13] * 256)); dst[0] = ParseInt(dst[0] ^ @key[0]); for (var i = 1; i < dst.Length; i++) dst[i] = ParseInt(@dst[i] ^ @dst[i - 1] ^ @key[i]); for (var i = 0; i < dst.Length; i++) if (dst[i] == 0) dst[i] = 102; return dst; } private static int ToInt32(long val) { return Convert.ToInt32(val); } private static byte ParseInt(long val) { return BitConverter.GetBytes(val)[0]; } any ideas of what would be causing this?
  11. where? i was looking for that and found nothing for gracia final here on forums
  12. well, in short words, i need someone that is capable to make client mods. what i want to do is some mini BOSS as follows: - a Small size Antharas - a Small size Valakas - a Small size Baium - a Small size Core - a Small size Queen Ant - a Small size Orfen - a Small size Zaken and... Bender(futurama), Peter Griffin(Family Guy), Stewie(family guy) and maybe some others. if there's someone capable to do this for a fee please contact me at renobizarro@gmail.com Thanks!
  13. cool, great share :D tnx
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