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Everything posted by kitten

  1. Just be more pr0 then him Lolz.
  2. Hmm.. im really curious about gracia.. even though im not sure if im really gonna like it :(
  3. lol doesnt matter how hard NCsoft tries private servers will be always up and running and be more fun and earn allot of money :)
  4. Hmm.. Havn't really tried.. it yet my laptop could hold 4 clients without lagging so far..
  5. get a spoiler to go with u spoil some recs and keys, or buy them really cheap BO (Black Ore) sets shouldnt be expensive, full or just recipes and mats their really easy to get but best you just get A or S with S just do HS quest and run a bit with good luck.
  6. Liar,Liar pants on fire!
  7. I hate it when people are begging you or making f**king shops or trading u every fucking day its f**king annoying! 'sorry for my F word violation but this is so soo soooo unbelievable annoying. same as scams like saying S CRYSTALS 67k - and then u click see f**king soul ores
  8. Honestly I've been wondering, the people that own good private servers they must earn more money then a normal hardworking avarage person or?
  9. I lolled my pants :')
  10. Wow thats the best pictures I've ever seen from frintezza raid ;o nice guild too gj
  11. warsmith for money first then just make a 2nd char of your choice.
  12. Isn't it this way that.. ehh.. subclass is ment to just try new classes, it doesnt really matter what is the best to sub its more about which one you would also like to try out then what u have atm as main char,
  13. Is gracia like tottaly different from the normal l2? i saw some trailers it looked really cool but im wondering if the trailer is the same as what the game really is with the flying city, the practice base the mobs, armors etc.. atm im playing hellbound but im really curious about gracia..
  14. Hi, I'm new and I would like to have 50 posts today. Lol.. I'm a girl isn't that cute? ;D
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