so we, who play private servers, will have to play private server and that server has to be ugly ???
lol XD
btw.: how can i quote in this forum, i made wrong i think ?!?
it depends on how u spend ur talent pts, if u spend most on destruction ur summon will be weak and ur debbufs will be weak too
for me half destruction half affliction is very nice
but if u like summon then spend all on demonology, but ur char will become worthless on instances
fist u will need the game, i suggest u download it from a torrent server its 7,7 gb, so will take a time to download, then u choose one private server with high rate and see if u like or not,
btw wow has nothing to do with l2
all i have to say is that all mmo's are copying wow,
and all others rpgs will copy diablo 3
and all others strategy will copy starcraft 2
because blizzard do original games for mature players, for me l2 is for child