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Everything posted by GreenFire

  1. there is no newer verify emulator.. but there are 2 cracked walkers hellbound here: http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=32440.0 1.96 gracia part 2 here: http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=44879.0 2.09
  2. Can some one give me a link to the right token loader for interlude? cause mine doesn't relay put the token inside the walker when its running :-\
  3. yes the first time is see L2asrv_064... i thought this programmer stopped making these verify emulators.. and why do we need to put id and pw in this L2asrv? i tested it on OOG 10.9.0 but it gave me allot of errors.
  4. check this server http://insomnia.c0.pl see at the rules :) 6.Walker IS ALLOWED (bufers/shops)
  5. pfff i cant launch the game client when server ip/port is set and port, i did all steps. So now i need to modify the client or something? (its a private server interlude, i use v231b)
  6. What token.exe you guys use?
  7. When i try to open PHX on interlude client it get closed in 2 sec :/
  8. Hi, i'm trying to bot on a server were you can bot with IG easily. With OOG it gives me already fail at the login server. Is this because of protection or am i doing something wrong? the server uses standard interlude token and standard protocol version. (i've checked it) I use vpnbot to verify and token.exe by hint options.ini [Options] Title=L2Walker 10.8.6 Server=Dragonians Token=33313D3D2D252640215E2B5D5B3B272E5D39342D OffSet=$0054D1E4 GMFix=0 Rename=1 Walker set.ini [DEFAULT] CountryList=Dragonians DefaultCountry=0 DefaultServer=0 DefaultCharacter=0 DefaultAccount=myaccount DefaultPassWord= [Dragonians] LoginServerIP= LoginServerPort=1850 ProtocolVersion=746 Serverlist=[]Dragonians and this is what i get with walker L2Walker was patched for Dragonians (19:48:39) Copyright by Hint (ICQ # 309-662) 19:48:47 »¶Ó­Ê¹ÓÃÐÐÕß¡£ 19:48:47 Link LoginServer Succeed. 19:48:47 ->Login LoginServer Fail.
  9. netstat -n ftw thats not the problem :/
  10. I have some doubts about this
  11. you cannot have extra buffs in olympiad... if you do your making an exploit. so simple is that
  12. thank you buttplug very useful and it works! ;)
  13. sepultura finntroll inflames opeth slipknot static x korn disturbed rammstein... clipz subfocus logistics blacksunempire noisia prodigy pendulum hype hazard aphex twin tc... all sort of dubstep, hiphop, minimal... and when its siege noting... coz i need to listen to my clanleader u.u
  14. I made this video as advertisement for L2EuroWorld (C4server) :P done with Sony Vegas
  15. Crystal dagger is sexy with some theca
  16. Dion chill out place :D
  17. I still remeber the first sad event of NCsoft when they asked FBI to shut down L2eXtreme it was the biggest server ever..
  18. here are some examples http://l2.hopzone.net/lineage2-tools.html
  19. SpH is better for PVE and SpS better for PvP cast-speed, attack-speed are always more important then P.atk and M.atk if it comes to pvp... Mage Elfs have better WIT what increases the magic criticals allot more compared to the SpH there crit rate is very low.
  20. This server looks quiet nice if I compare with several other servers. :)
  21. Low rate is for people who like to bot and gain empire.. I do that when high rate starts to get ugly.
  22. Sorry for late quote but this link is dead I think.. Fyyre only gives the code for it and when I encode it, it still disconnects me in 30 sec on l2j halp!
  23. What do you mean? O.o
  24. you try to play on L2supreme?
  25. 1.96...... this walker was already cracked 6 months ago
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