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Everything posted by GreenFire

  1. yes its the best oldskool way but u need more for oog walker etc..
  2. yes all say thanks and does it realy work :P
  3. Soo i heared allot about this bot but in wat point this bot is better then L2Walker? they also say L2divine is the best bot in the world but not yet cracked
  4. i need more posts :/
  5. How you get a Token? Oo its like only +50 poster can see...
  6. I already gave up on this server... Its a good server high ranked on HopZone so I guess the anti bot system is high ranked to.
  7. When you try to log with walker on DEX you get auto banned.
  8. hellow
  9. Hi Dj! ;)
  10. yeah same question here...
  11. GreenFire


  12. GreenFire


  13. I wonder if it works ons C4 servers with bake ice launcher. I did all steps but I have some problems with the "walker system map" when bake ice launcher runs the bake ice client, and I want to run walker with the clean system map but noting happens or game guard errors. some one have this working on C4?
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