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About gspzoumhs

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  1. 3 hours left, Grand Opening today, 6 a clock. GMT +3 Join us ;)
  2. Hello dears, i get some messages about the donate system so i have to inform you, Revenge x75 and Athena x45 is no donate servers. and maybe is the only ones at lineage 2 scene. because all lineage 2 private server is running only for donates and ofcourse this is the truth. thanks you for playing and have fun! have a nice day.
  3. project sold to another person? for sure bad move. mytheon is okay, why to change name? something is wrong and for sure server will be wrong. anyway good luck.
  4. kids playing at maxcheaters. omg lol cool. L2Gold. I was bullshiting with posts that wasted 3+ minutes of my life to prepare. This next level retard "omg lol fail" broke the retard record in less than 1 sec.
  5. @TSELIGAS, peace man why so hate? If you dont like it, dont play it. Thats it :)
  6. omg lol fail, where is old days with donate systems example you want +20 weap? 150-200 euros for sure or more. now every kid are donator with 50euros full items, and i remember in iagaming,net chronicle 3 still ONLINE from 2005, you want full donate? 1000-2000 euros for sure, 2000 onlines? 10-15 donators. and what donators 25-30-40 years old guys, no 12-20 years old kids with paysafe shit like daddy i want 20euros for L2Deathwhisper. you like to have server? pay it with your badget, oh! f u c k i forget server is running only for the money.
  7. good luck, keep up the scene of lineage 2, because kids f u c k e d up.
  8. one more kid, all pro are in mxc. omg lol fail.
  9. (Dev)Versus says: Frank, we have a big problem on L2Deathwhisper, i cant fix the problems inside the game! my insane hardcore coding programing on L2jAcis, something wrong with my magic skills. maybe i need girlfriend. (ADM)Frank says: shit, we f u c k e d up. L2Deathwhisper is the best server on the world like L2extreme, we need to push the Life-Cycle of the server to the limits until the end! i will overclock the server-machine!
  10. Kalhspera paidia, xronia polla kiolas na xereste tin oikogenia sas. Exo mia aporia pou den thimame pou tha mporouse na ofilontan to problima, ola ta class trexoun sosta kai orea ala o Titan class exei ena problima se 3 skills, otan kaneis relogin ton character h restart telos panton kai mpis, panta to skill Lionheart,CP skill ton noblesse kai alo ena gia zwh pou ine kolisa tora anyway ksekinane me 0 reuse eno ala class opos duelist me to skill lionheart ine to reuse komple, eno panta me to titan kai gemato na ine to skill molis kanis ena restart kai mpis ine sto 0 kai gemizi opos kai me to cp skill poli periergo pragma, mipos tha mporouse kanis na kseri pou tha mporouse auto na ftei sto sigekrimeno mono class? Euxaristw!
  11. It is open from 2009, GSPL2-Revenge!
  12. Enchant rates changed. and +16 and +18 changed to brake your weapons for sure. one point for the donate system hahah Frank where you live? you think players are idiots? anyway good luck.
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