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Everything posted by kjing

  1. thanks, but it isn't work.
  2. and what about IG? is it work? if yes, can u post a guide ? thanks
  3. [Hidden post: You need 5 posts to see it. You currently have 50.] (Hidden Notes: IG walker on RPG-CLUB) [Hidden Text: You need 200 posts or become a Donator or Platinum Member to see it]
  4. Try a proxy as said before.
  5. In gracia final Paladin is maybe the best.
  6. i wouldn't do +4dex -4con
  7. Wonder how many played on a gracia server which is actually working. Of course Gracia >>>> Interlude.
  8. Is it a Gracia final server? IF so, COV > POF. Pre-gracia PoF and CoV were the same if i'm not wrong?
  9. Just lower your CON. In PVE you don't need it, in PVP as a dwarf you will get targeted last anyway, when your side has already lost the pvp.
  10. any rate CAN be good (well maybe no point in playing 1x rate on a private server). The most important thing is balance -> no custom shit.
  11. With destroyer you kill mobs faster, with warlord you can aggro a huge number of mobs in a matter of seconds. Both are very good at farming xp.
  12. On Interlude farming oly as a nuker was really hard, except for a necro maybe
  13. Earth, Meditation, Vitality, Renewal. I don't think you can keep up more than 4 songs on no-mp pots servers. Resist element songs can be useful on certain situations.
  14. Doesn't seem to be any useful to me. Also changing the cmdrate so much will probably get you kicked on most server, but i'm not sure.
  15. Oh and no chances to get OOG to work? Or even cracking the ones that RPG-club gives you for trades only, so that every function will work?
  16. How did you recover the items after wipe? I tried to recover my AIO as well but didn't get any answer from Oreo.
  17. It's not like 50/50 option is any safer than the first one.
  18. Appearently yes, this is the wrong section tho
  19. It's c4 AND c5 skills are working?
  20. I couldn't get it to work when i tried this way. Tried both windows 7 and windows xp
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