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Everything posted by Und3rW0rlD

  1. ty re man xreiazomoun ena tetoio...!!!gia ton server mou.!!!:)
  2. petmezis<<nC work man..!!!nC share..!!Keep on firing man.!!:):D
  3. Tyyyy kairo epsaxna ena kalo guide..!!evlepa vid sto youtube alla tpt..!!:D:)
  4. thanks for the phx i will try it,,,!!!and if i tested and work i will make a post with guides of phx.!
  5. I was playing l2 core for 3 months and i was seeing many players with +25 and i say alla luckers but now i understand my mistake and me..!!something last l2 core name's shoul be better like this---->All cheats Welcome.!:D
  6. nC shop maxuris..!!mporei na to valo ston server p tha ftiaksw.!
  7. This server i dont like..!!i only like interlude servers but i dont find one good server without custom stuffs all servers i see epic armor vesper items titanium set dynasty->epic and etc..!!:(:( BUT IN THE OTHER MONTH I OPEN MY L2 SERVER AND IT WILL BE A GREAT SERVER I THINK :S AND I WILL MAKE A POST WITH THE INFO O THE SERVER AND I WILL PUT IT IN THE HOPZONE :)
  8. hi!!An to kaneis auto mporeis meta na fas ban ip ston server kai etc i oxi??!!!?!?!?
  9. poly kalo GuiDe alla mperdeutika ligo me ta dyes vazeis 2 gia p.attack??ego ston g.sentinel vazo gia ena gia p.attack kai ena gia attack speed(str+4 con-4)kai etc..!!Ena trick tou ghost sentinel se pvp tha sas po loipon.!kalytera otan pate gia pvp na pate otan sto l2 einai vradi gt energopiountai kapoia passive tou g.sentinel kai skasei poio polla Dmg kai anevenei kai to crt tou..!!
  10. yeah nC video karmaarrows..!!but this video i think i watched and to youtube..!!very lucky:P:P
  11. nC guide i will try it :D thanks!
  12. pls upload again the videos it didnt works both
  13. apo oti exo akousei enchant bug iparxei gia stuck subs diskolo.To enchant bug einai me phx..,.,.ston l2 core me phx mporeis na kaneis bow +25 eukola alla prepei na ksereis na xeirizesai to phx.elpizo na voithisa :)
  14. virusa dont tell every one can make items+25 in l2 core i cant do it he breaks in+10-11 always and i camped 2 days to gmshop and i make a db focus +28 but i was send in jail a lot of times cuz that but it was very good because when i went of the jail i was have very good p.attack and atack.speed with saggi... :D
  15. dn nomizo na douleuei file..
  16. dn katalava!!
  17. nc sare man!
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