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Everything posted by Flavio

  1. Flavio


    Not fair? This is not some kind of an Event or RewardSystem ^^ So you cant tell its not fair lol! Anyway, we got only 1 guy, magaki13 if he wasnt one of the legends above (1st post)!
  2. Theres no Jeff Hardy in here :P? Anyway GL!
  3. Flavio


    Werent you a uploader or something? Did you ever have some other color name except orange :D ? If not, you are 1 :) Lets see others! @Devangell™ I said not a staff member or not a legend member (The legends i said in 1st post - you are donator - donators are in list = we dont count you ^^)
  4. Theres like 1240120412012401 that have cheats in gameplay (I mean you can use time while playing) and i dont know what you wanted with this post :P
  5. Flavio


    I need you to post some normal users that are not staff members or neither they was with karma 4 or above... (By Staff members i mean all legends i said in 1st post) So post if you know someone, thanks!
  6. Flavio


    Can you guys name few dudes that are not ........... with karma 4 or above? [Administrator] [Global Moderator] [L2 Moderator] [Cs Moderator] [WoW Moderator] [uploader] [Gold Member] [L2J Developer] [L2OFF Developer] [L2Client Developer] [VIP Member] [Donator Member] [Legendary Member] So post only: - Normal members - Karma 4 or higher Thanks!
  7. I dont think theres such a thing, increase enchant rate if you dont have dyes/armor/weapon and if you are in town with no people? Come one, i think those are stories and you cant even have a proof this is working cause you maybe have luck and enchanted as it is. I doubt NCsoft (creators of l2 and others) will make such a think neither i think its trick that works. So NO, i dont think this works, i think its funny!
  8. Its probably IL client right? Cause mentioned are IL.
  9. So I was sitting here doing all this coding and thought, I have not even come up with the names for the factions XD So, Lets start getting some name ideas out there folks! Just reply to this thread with your ideas and let people vote! Post here or just reply here and i will post on our forums! Choosing finished!
  10. I think MoDs wont do something, everyone can leech your signature, i bet 10 people already have it. Its like telling a guy in CS or L2 that he stole you nick and your nick was IceKiller rofl. There are like thousand of people using same nick. In your case, avatar :P
  11. Well what ^^? Its not mine, what bug works there?
  12. http://www.dyingfate.info/ x500 Going to be a faction soon.
  13. Then you shouldn't post another offtopic. IF a MoD see this please remove offtopic comments (Mine and Cyperex) News Assuming everything goes well over the next few days with internal testing, the faction server should be launched very soon (as in this weekend). So with that, I wanted to outline what people should expect. When the server comes back up after being updated, everyone will be spawned in one location. This location will be locked and you will not be able to escape. This is where new players will begin. You will have to pick which faction to join. Upon talking to the NPC and choosing the faction, you will be wisked away to the faction base. At the faction base you will find the GM shop, Npc Buffer and key npc's. The teleporter will be updated with who owns what area. At first, there will be no information as no castle or fort sieges have happened to the point anyone has either. Each side will have 1 primary farming area for new players, and mid rate one and a high rate one. Both will be open to both factions. The newbie ones will be restricted to that faction. There will be no olympiad or heros. The only way to become a hero is to be the clan leader that takes over a fort or castle. The clan leader may, in their infinite wisdom, give that honor to someone else. Adena rates for killing players will be 10m per kill. Along with extra little items that will be necessary for gear in the GM shop (higher stuff). Those that have been playing with us since the get go will keep their items. THERE WILL BE NO WIPE. While this puts new players at a small disadvantage, you should of joined when we opened :p You will still be able to explore the world however no where outside of your base is safe. Everything is either general area or combat zone. Any questions please feel free to post.
  14. WTF lol xD Anyways, thanks for sharing. NEVER seen shadow weapons buyable in 1 period. + Its fuction will worn off 1/XX. xD
  15. Flavio


    Nothing, my bro from psycho hospital ^^
  16. Flavio


    Hahahahaha for edit :D
  17. Flavio


    Hahahahaha :D +1 Karma if you agree its a good share! ^^ Lock it and remove it GrisoM xD I have some moments when i think about nothing... well thats one of them xD
  18. Yeah but u will put to wh right? They will remove both, the NPC who sells things and Mobs who drops things :P Anyways, i cant figure out how it can be useful. (What i said above, they'll remove in same time both - I guess :P)
  19. Why is this useful? Make you go in jail for 15minutes :P?
  20. Enjoyed reading this :D Awesome. That one step is KS-ing, most hated part of La2 farming xD
  21. LoL, thats so useless and its not a bug ... ? ^^ And what server will spawn an NPC which lasts (sells) items for 1week and then disappear?
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