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Everything posted by thechewu

  1. +4con-4str,+4dex-4str,+4wit-4int maj light against archers,stunners; nm light against mages; draco in mass as+haste;dont take +crit damage cause it sux if ure killing with blows(as u probably know patk doesnt have much effect on dagger blows and +crit damage increases ur patk during critical so it makes no sense if ure pvping and using blows.crt damage is only good when farming(using normal attacks))
  2. that can happen cause patk doesnt affect strength of blow
  3. dc robe forever.and +4int -4men,+4wit -4men,+1wit -1men.and ofc highest grade weapon+acumen
  4. 3sec max(with 1 l2 open).amd x2 6400+,2gb ram.depends on server and how many buffpets i have logged in tho
  5. i need to edit ini file and i cant find tool for gracia pt2.plox someone post nvm i found it
  6. on full buff archer win for sure.stun necro, kill summon then kill necro.
  7. no probs since i deleted drwtsn ^^.thanks for help everyone
  8. i did but it didnt report drwtsn.anyway it finished in rec bin now ;)
  9. i noticed that, that happens few moments later after drwtsn32.exe starts.i dunno why it starts(yes i know its windows debugger) and ill try renaming it and see if it fixes things. @NotAbastard, i cant see connection between hardware and this error.its like a program turns on disables my theme and audio and it dissapears.i can turn both of them back on in min but its pain in the ass doing it every time i reboot
  10. lol wtf since when accuracy=lethal chance?
  11. i guess thats the only thing i can do.thanks for help
  12. lol i said it isnt in blinds.i tried even uninstalling it today.didnt help
  13. it randomly happens.sometimes during when i play music,sometimes during game sometimes while my pc is doing nothing.thats what bothers me.its completely random.something activates and boom audio gone and theme refreshed and taskbar messed up sometimes :/.really strange
  14. its all clean.i already disabled startup programs(almost all) and from services only microsoft ones run
  15. dont add dex.dex sucks.4 dex and u get 10 atk speed and 4 crit rate ftw.decrease dex and add str (and con if u want).dex is usless for everyone except daggers.5 dex gives like 1% atk speed more and 5 more crit rate
  16. hawkeye has more atk speed then sr without rapid fire.its cause of passive
  17. are there only names of skills u can get or life stones u can get them from too?
  18. ehhh.ok i going to try on olly :P.thanks for help
  19. its not windowsblinds related.i tryed disabling it.
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