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Everything posted by alexutzu99

  1. Hi. I'm interested in your topic about searching for a co-worker. First, I would like to ask you, do you already have a dedicated machine capable of running the server? And afterwards, which platform is your pack? From the description I can assume L2J. Anyway waiting for your response , and maybe some other info. Thank you, and have a nice day.
  2. You miss understand it. I dont lack of processor power. I do have what it takes to run it on VMWare. What am I lacking is a second machine to run the client. I want to run the L2OFF pack on the same machine as the client, only for test purposes, learn it , other stuff. My main problem is making L2OFF work with VMWare so i can play from my OS, or make L2 Client work with windows server 2003. Are any of these matters possible? Thank you.
  3. Well, the thing is I also want to run the client if it can. And why it should not, because I do have a powerful machine, just need the necessary programs to make it run the pack, and client. As I said, i want this only for test purpose / learn it, understand it, so i'm no in need of high performance of the pack.
  4. I am wondering if it's possible to install, and run at least for test purpose a L2OFF pack on a VMware machine which is running on my personal PC/laptop. Anyone tried? Thank you, and waiting for a reply.
  5. I would like to ask some advices for someone more experienced than me. When I'm running L2server.exe , i do get a violation access error in IlExt.dll Any idea why? I'll be glad if any would reply. This is the error A:I:S:E:PE:DI:DE:BO=200.000000:1.000000:1.500000:75.000000:1.500000:0:0:0 L:Y:X:H=0:0:0:0:0 Crashed Thread[3]. Server Up Time : Sun Sep 18 11:59:27 2011 Current Time : Sun Sep 18 11:59:32 2011 Elapsed Time : 0 days 0 hours 0 minutes 5 seconds IOBufferPool - 39998 / 40000, PendingWrite 0 bytes [0] =============== object report user[0/0], npc[0/0], item[0/0], usersocket[0] =============== npc server connection log no connect [(1656) 2011/09/18 11:59:32]: ======================= an Access Violation in module IlExt.dll at 0033:1b0218df. start at 2011/9/18 11:59:19 Read from location 00000000 caused an access violation. Registers: EAX=00000000 CS=0033 EIP=1b0218df EFLGS=00010216 EBX=00000001 SS=002b ESP=75dafcc0 EBP=06f8e3a0 ECX=1b218550 DS=002b ESI=00000017 FS=0053 EDX=0000000a ES=002b EDI=00400000 GS=002b Bytes at CS:EIP: 49 63 08 48 8d 50 32 48 3b ca 76 22 41 89 00 4c Stack dump: 75dafcc0: a99c1eb4 01cc75e9 00000017 00000000 00400000 00000000 00400000 00000000 75dafce0: 00400000 00000000 1b07aa1b 00000000 00000001 00000000 06f8e3a0 00000000 75dafd00: 00000001 00000000 00400000 00000000 fffffffe ffffffff 1cf70594 00000000 75dafd20: fffffffe ffffffff 00623246 00000000 9b508ca0 00000000 0005cef4 00000000 75dafd40: 00977230 00000000 00a05220 00000000 00400000 00000000 0040378b 00000000 75dafd60: 00000000 00000000 0004c158 00000000 00400000 00000000 006202bb 00000000 75dafd80: 0e446748 00000000 77d6b950 00000000 1b21f638 00000000 0005cef4 00000000 75dafda0: 00977230 00000000 0004c158 00000000 fffffffe ffffffff 006f5015 00000000 75dafdc0: fff85ee0 ffffffff 00000001 00000000 00000000 00000000 00400000 00000000 75dafde0: 00a05220 00000000 00000000 00000000 00977230 00000000 0062501b 00000000 ver = Dec 16 2005_22:03:13 GuardInfo : [ilExt] Last used packet[0] Ex[0] IOThread [0][47] (good): void IOThread_common(void *arglist) Lock Stack : [ilExt] Last used packet[0] Ex[0] IOThread [1][16] (good): void IOThread_common(void *arglist) Lock Stack : [ilExt] Last used packet[0] Ex[0] IOThread [2][47] (good): void IOThread_common(void *arglist) Lock Stack : [ilExt] Last used packet[0] Ex[0] IOThread [3][16] (ahehe): void IOThread_common(void *arglist) Lock Stack : ListenThread [13][0] (good): void ListenThread_common() -> unsigned __stdcall WaitThread(void *) Lock Stack : MainThread [12][172] (good): Lock Stack : GuardInfo end [(1656) 2011/09/18 11:59:32]: *.\ioc.cpp:648(Tue Dec 13 02:52:40 2005) exception This is what i get as LinError, the L2server.exe close's very fast, and can't get what its writting before closing. Only this as an Error text file appears.
  6. On 1st of May. I don't know exactly the hour , but if will be tommorow. ::)
  7. Hi there. I would like you to answer me , or guide me through a database importing. I recently opened a new server , a testing pack. I would like to import the database from my main server, with the items belonging to our players. I made the necesarry changes to import characters, all that makes connection with "characters_*" , also NPC table. The main problem i try to resolve, is : How can i import the part which contains players items, inventory? I'll be glad and thankfull if you can help me. I spend all this day trying to find out, but i'm kind'of stuck. Thank you. :)
  8. Well just the best of this server i wish . [ro] lupu momentan nu pot inca vreo 3 zile. Sunt pana peste cap cu pregatirea pt scoala pana mea ca nu am facut nimic in vacantza ;)) . O sa iti las pe mess whisp cand termin... good luck with the server . [EN] As ussual, L2DUBAI rullz and it will always be the best ^^. ::)
  9. Temporary solution i guess : Go to L2PCInstance and go to "Death Penalty" . I guess when your registering at Town War,also as TvT it changes your state in something like _atEvent for example. So at "Death Penalty" check if its not at event . Import the event manager also . Thats how i thought about it. Good luck cata^^.
  10. Working on some new events . :P
  11. Some Hardware upgrades so be pacient pls ::)
  12. I like amelie ;D She likes to take things straight ::)
  13. Maybe i can but still i'm not a part of pempe's team so .. :-\
  14. Well it will sure take that long xD.Especially pempe doesn't have time atm :-X
  15. Well i'll give it a try ;D nice job gerero i saw you posted a few more tutorials ;D
  16. Lol i need this xD . lets make some playersss :P
  17. Pff website updated . Also more players joined after the last server hardware update.
  18. l2jfree and l2j on their websites i saw they don't provide interlude support any more >.<
  19. Senone your imports are "net.l2j" ? ???
  20. Even the timeline its down :D bye bye l2dot
  21. Its not the pack whose wrong. I mean yes it is , but not because of Equal team. Its L2Dot based so,untill some one fix it it will always cause trouble :o
  22. dang works xD? Well i surely need this. ::)
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