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Everything posted by Sido

  1. and since when this is a thread advertising broken ? also, since when this project is made for newbies ?
  2. plus ca tu ca admin pt ce sa stai atat ca sa afli parola unui jucator pe serverul tau cand te poti conecta direct cu adminul pe contul lui?
  3. asta deja o da in spargatoare de parole winrar ceea ce inseamna timp pierdut aiurea
  4. telling my opinion means rage? anyway, i'm amused
  5. am tot dat pm-uri şi la gmod şi lu' maxtor şi nimic.
  6. Raule daca tot reusesti sa te pilesti, nu-mi scoti si mie titlul asta naspa ? (daca nu ma intind prea mult deja, desigur)
  7. offtopic info about WP, update it to latest version because there are some hacking leaks around.
  8. eu ma gandeam sa-i ajut pe aia gratis doar ca sa le dau peste bot la support-eri :)) de asta intrebam, oare numai ei o sa poata posta acolo sau toti ? munca ma asteapa peste 2 luni (daca ne angajeaza astia si nu ne mai amana :)) ) http://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=166924.msg1270326#msg1270326 merita sa-i fac update ?
  9. maybe, but since he will be payed only for if he helps then....
  10. trying to be funny ? i'm for a free web which is not working because ppl are not keeping the credits.
  11. sistemul asta de l-a facut maxtor acum, cei care au rank de supporter sunt platiti pt cate threaduri au rezolvat iar svip platesc pt a putea cere ajutor de la supporter =)
  12. activity and trust should be counted. there are well known designers in this community why would they ask proposals ? i would even go for voqus and xdrac and this just because they started from 0 and wanted to learn this proving they did it well.
  13. raule si daca ii ajut pe svip fara sa fiu suporter imi da maxtor ban :)) ? app daca folosesti fb da si tu un link pe pm =)
  14. such a big shit with all the new system in mxc. so many random names wanna be supporters... trololol me QQ around but srsly now
  15. eu nu :( dar ar merge profei de comunicare :))
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