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Everything posted by Facists

  1. +1, need help aswell
  2. i got mine working, healing buffing pots, all that good stuff O.o
  3. yeah rename the updater in ur l2 folder then it should
  4. k to switch from russian to english http://www.filefactory.com/file/b089beg/n/English_.rar make sure your replacing the files in the folder with oracles walker version credits to Detox07
  5. at lvl 9 u get a quest for ur first set of wings, if u got the collectors edition then u get free wings at 30 if not, spend like 1m in the main place for ur 30/40 wings
  6. http://na.aiononline.com/livestatus/character-legion/search?charID=86105&serverID=3 :D
  7. yeah thats wai xD
  8. as title says.. looking for a working one.
  9. one of my fav npcs, thx ^^
  10. one of the better clickers i'v seen out there ty
  11. lolz amazing job thnks :D
  12. i have this problem too, tried wat caccolino said, but didnt work, i can stay in game for about 10 secs and poof, closes on me =/
  13. bump, wouldnt mind help with this, <33 to bot :D
  14. <3333 this folder very useful nice job :D
  15. been awhile since i'v pissed around with walker but u might have to change the postions were u wanna bot, like the coords. may sounds confusing but yeah been a long time since i'v used it :P
  16. damn thats hawt downloading ^^
  17. they get a skill that steals the other person's buffs
  18. Sorta new one thats not on there is Atlantica :D
  19. great tool imo keeps me alive alot of the time :D
  20. best aug=fireworks or the big head one :D but got tons of WM and emp lvl 10 on my mage weps :D
  21. Brand new server about 2 days old. PvP server, do have to work for things but over pretty fun, nice gm's very active. and they have all the Epic bosses Cut scene's working which is hawt :D Visit --- http://l2darkmessiah.ucoz.com/ for more information!
  22. tbh it really did happen and not a clue how it worked, like it was perma frenzy+u can frenzy again..
  23. tyty ^^ <33
  24. new here, seen the great community and thought i'd have a go at this looking forward to everything! ^.^
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