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Everything posted by xajo

  1. Hello, I am interested in a partnership with 1 or 2 l2j developers for a minimum 2 lineage 2 servers. I am a fullstack developer and I can code the web part of the project. I will provide 2 servers with the following configurations: Server 1 3GHz Intel Xeon-IvyBridge (E5-2690-V2-DecaCore) 16 cores 8x4GB Kingston 4GB DDR3 2Rx8 1Gbps Connection 1TB SSD Windows Server 2012 Standard SE as default(can change to any OS) Server 2 2.6GHz Intel Xeon-Broadwell (E5-2690-V4) 28 cores 8x8GB Micron 8GB DDR4 1Rx4 10Gbps Connection 1TB SSD Windows Server 2012 Standard SE as default(can change to any OS) I am interested in a serious long term partnership so don't comment if you are not interested. Thank you.
  2. Thanks Demon152!! It works perfectly now. I was using "/useskill Might" without Item Skill.
  3. Hello, I have question regarding the active augment skills in L2 Interlude. In High Five when I get a active skill augment like might,empower etc. and I put it on skillbar, after I take off the weapon the augment remains on skill bar. In Interlude this isn't working. After I take off the weapon the augment skill is gone. I am playing Shillien Elder and I have like 4 active skill augments, all nukes and It's impossible for me to use them in a oly match or PVP because I have to open the Skills Tab and click on each one. Is there anyway to fix? Thanks,
  4. Hello everyone!I'm new on forum and i have a problem with a L2Dot problem, the L2 John-X Preconfigured Pack if anyone tryed it. I tested on Windows and worked well.When I tryed to start it on Linux i got this error: Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: net/sf/l2j/loginserver/LoginServer Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: net.sf.l2j.loginserver.LoginServer at java.net.URLClassLoader$1.run(URLClassLoader.java:217) at java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged(Native Method) at java.net.URLClassLoader.findClass(URLClassLoader.java:205) at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(ClassLoader.java:321) at sun.misc.Launcher$AppClassLoader.loadClass(Launcher.java:294) at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(ClassLoader.java:266) at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClassInternal(ClassLoader.java:334) Could not find the main class: net.sf.l2j.loginserver.LoginServer. Program will exit. I searched the forum and i saw this problem was unsolved.I posted again and i hope someone managed to fix it! PS:I googled alittle and i think its a java patch problem.If someone who knows well java programing knows this error please post a fix!Thanks.
  5. GJ man thanks for share, but cs annihilation 2 is the best cs movie :P
  6. fifa 2009 sucks with the new mouse control...pes is a better game for football fans
  7. CS, CoD and Crysis
  8. best game of the year in my opinion ;)
  9. GoW 3 for sure. GoW fan :D
  10. old bog, and btw next time use shearch ;)
  11. old but thanks for the share
  12. very good job man :o
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