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Everything posted by Cloud

  1. I am sorry to say that but Italian servers most times got kids in the staff and the server offer nothing..so gl with ur server guys(Buona fortuna ragazzi:) ) but I won't join because there is nothing interesting.
  2. I already downloaded Undercover..very good game,it looks like a sequel of MW btw sometimes the game stuck with a blue color for 1/2seconds and then it load the rest of the circtuit,sprint and so on..is that because I setted all video settings to max?(I got a good pc but maybe the max is too much:/)
  3. mr.Iknowall did u noticed that some players lost items?maybe a Serk's attack hacked part of database?he did an attack,that is for sure.And as u see gameserver is down because Dev can't access server files,so he must wait for HellDragon to try to fix problems caused by the attack.
  4. hi guys,I almost learned how to adapt items and I am trying in my free time but i got problems with armorgrp.dat..I followed the guide taking weapongrp.dat as an example..but is normal that the clean line for Epilogue client takes only 1 line and the line that i want to adapt takes 3 lines when there is a lot of space left?..what I do wrong?I use Epilogue Client now and I want to adapt from CT2.3 to Epilogue.
  5. Can we give the chance and the time to a server to grow and leave out of the topic these kind of humor?Gl alkleek,I'll try ur server soon but atm I prefer to play highrates after a long period on mid/low rates:)
  6. Oh..btw It's cool anyway..I should start too some adaptation of Ave's armors for example..maybe i'LL success..i hope so at least:) edit:why I see in armor's description..armor made by MarucaMetal L2JBrasil?wtf?
  7. I don't understand..the new textures are by CE right?Ok u are right Pyro made the original Epic;D..or maybe CE just adapted it and Pyro made the textures?
  8. Is strange what u say..did u tried to add the lines after leaving a space between the other items and ur wings?just like leave a line between the rest and the wings..It should work
  9. Imo this armor set,as well as Stone fury armor, are the best armors that u created till now CE..u are very good,keep sharing mate!
  10. This Armor is made By Ave and on IL it has no shoulders:/ btw thx for share but add credits.
  11. Then I guess that we'll not see this server on anymore..Let's see what admin will do. edit:server on.
  12. http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=124299.0 check here IL custom server but is down until this night/tomorrow for improvements as what they say.
  13. Nice share even if the weapons IMO are not so beatifull but at least are not the classic s grade weapons like forgotten blade but this time are Demonic Weapons:D still thx Critical but next time I want to see some special effect on weapons since u can do it:)
  14. Is what I was meaning..there are too much armors and weapons but I won't continue if the team delete all of them..for me even 1 custom armor set and 1 custom weapon set is ok.
  15. why is down? edit: this is the reason "Server will be off for sure until tomorrow. Work is underway on optimizing the server" I just hope that with optimizing they don't mean delete all customsxD I hope instead on more events,maybe new drops and more balance:D.
  16. man..is that hard to make them by ur own?Royal Weapons and other things are just already existing items(except tatoos which u can download from internet or here and modify their stats and name) that have modified name and stats...so take any item u want,modify it's name by itemname-e.dat and it's stats by xml file::::)
  17. "Kid" is far,rly far away from being a kid as u say.And the Kid speaks a far better english differently from you or I am wrong?And In the end I can say that u are a lier because I never joined a so failed server as this one,have fun "GM". p.s.:Instead of waste money why don't u use them to learn some english and close the translator?...server is "delicated",not DEDICATED right?lirn inglish chid(this is ur english)
  18. Now..do not see that as a flame but as a how to talk with others tutorial...U should respect us,u should understand that u are not a pro and here no1 is and finally I can just say that Krash did his job,nothing wrong so the problem is still ur.Regards. raule delete this post as others.
  19. I remember wrong?btw mr.wannabeGM/admin what happened to ur site?is the worst site I ever seen,when I click download there is a page almost unfinished..wtf..
  20. when I was In yesterday after server restart there were 30..but seems that there are 100 people daily. where is the problem?u tried IG?no so,leave this topic.
  21. that happens when genius admins put on donations max+45 for weapons/armor or whatever..IG the max is setted to +45 i guess but them told to normal players that max is+35..now about the autoban they made,if u were a donator it wouldn't ban you because when a man donate,admin give him donator status so the system won't autoban him..Sry for the shit explanations but IMO admin u should remove this +45 and give to all players the chance to have the same items as donators!
  22. Can someone explain me why is called L2Unique?what it has Unique?Just a server without customs,nothing more nothing less or I am wrong?btw Gl with ur server.
  23. black vesper armor and black vesper weapons:) btw I'll log in again once I finish my games downloadsxD
  24. Them are not bad at all..I think we must wait to test them directly IG btw if these are the real new armors they are almost the same as G.Final..about weapons not bad but I was expecting more.
  25. u get it after create a char?I got it once..then I re-lunch the game and all went fine..btw is a nice server I like it..the only "bad" thing is that admin didn't change tatoo's descriptions which are in spanish :Sxd
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