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Everything posted by Cloud

  1. server closed..so stop insult it and peace lol
  2. Site has been added on Hopzone succefully!Join us guys!:D new guys will come 100% sure!I want low currency added,so i can start farm:(
  3. what do u have against .tk servers?eh?i think that every server should have a chance,not depending by their demain.look at The17Heroes server by Tk-Master,it has about 200 guys and has a .tk demain,i think it's a good server. ontopic:Gl with ur server Souperkan!;)
  4. i understood you^^ well i am not sure 100% because i am not so good developer,i started 1 month ago and day by day i fight vs problems:P anyway for what i know..u should create a new skill that add ur desired stats and add it correctly on ur set on navicat(i think armorsets table,skill_id)..i heard that from taks7,a man that i "love"^^ but i am not sure about what i said..so try or wait for a l2dev
  5. oh thx God^^ newbie dev(me also) need how to adapt armors too..because adapt weapon is so easy,and atm i need help with armor(armorgrp.dat)..anyway thx u^^ @mrperfect20:u must check again the sql file that u want to run..99,9% times u miss a '0' or 'true'..try^^
  6. i like it,especially the loading time that is rly fast;)
  7. man i think that server got crash or is getting restart..because GS is offline..
  8. oh god! a great news!:D that's why from 1 month maybe i was getting problems with the server,sometimes down etc..waiting for the new MxC's forum^^
  9. www.l2nephilim.com i think it's ur server:)
  10. Laguna,whatever project u are using,our forum accept only L2J/L2OFF tags..anyway gl with ur server;) //offtopic If u are pro..then i am USA's president...
  11. well MxC community is great,big and is becoming more big now:) i just hate afganistan's people and kids that join:(
  12. yes man is spam..u must just comment the server and don't say just 1 word to get more posts..so wait for warning/dekarma..-.-
  13. gl with ur server stackman,even if i don't like KvN anymore:( ps.:M4xCheater reported for spam
  14. l2 core(here exploit are/were a lot and again a lot and admin is corrupt-.-)
  15. YEA!^^ then,when new type of coin will be ready(tell me when if u know) i'll come with my friends..just a thing:where is the custom shop on primaveral isle?i didnt found it..anyway i'll wait;) p.s.:i see on ur forum that some people want go hellbound and wipe,read the thread and give them an answer,i gave my opinion too..some people don't understand that admin,gms sometimes are busy. p.s.2:add ur server in hopzone and u'll get more people:)
  16. OH man..how u think that u'll get players if ur whole site is in lithuanian?make it in english,i would try ur server but i'll not try it till u make server and site in english.Gl:)
  17. vision,what do u think about my idea?atm the server players can't make rbs without clan..i was suggesting u to add a new kind of coin(low currency) and with 10k of this u get 1 silver..what u think?
  18. atm i am trying to adapt the whole set for CT2.3...but i think it's more hard than other armors because got some dynasty parts too...dunn:)
  19. finally! a guide that shows me how to adapt items:D..i didnt found it because i searched for "adapt" not addapt :D..nice share ;) edit:this thing is the same for armors/items?
  20. i was meaning COINS..not armor:P i mean add a new type of coins..so with for example 5/10k of Bronze coins u get >>1 silver for example,depends by you..it's just a suggestion anyway
  21. Vision i like ur update but listen to my suggestion:make silvers gatherable via mobs also.i mean a sub-coin that can be called Bronze Khaos coin;players will get there Bronze trought mobs and tvt..this will make players enjoy ur server much more.i mean atm there are maybe 1 or 2 clans owning all...make a poll and decide if make a wipe or if not make a wipe add these bronze and with this update even players that dont have a clan will be able to farm good:)
  22. okae,even if u don't maybe remember me,i wish u gl with ur Aion Project;yesterday i went to ur l2 server page but i see u closed it and announced Aion Empire...gl,)
  23. Ehy t3k,are u the server's owner?anyway seems a nice server for those who likes custom..but atm i play on another server and i'll join only the highrate who'll have SOMETHING DIFFERENT than others..^^ anyway gl
  24. i like it,but i don't like the text style at all..7/10:)
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