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Everything posted by Cloud

  1. would be a nice server for low rates players but..wtf?65535 max enchant?trust me its the worst decision u may take..wanna a fail server?then u MADE it..
  2. hi guys,today i am here to listen to ur opinions...l2revolt.com seems a nice server for those who have not so much time to spend on a low rate(i am from Dragon-network,where u cant start all again if u dont donate or if u dont have a super mega donator friend)...what do u think?waiting for answers.. Cloud
  3. zak do u know that u just did a spam post?lol //ontopic is not a bad server..but for the moment i'll not join again..i just wish gl and hope that in future admin will not have "secrets"...i mean u had no money for pay old server and now u have for pay the same server under another name?
  4. http://www.l2pwnstarz-temp.webs.com/ is a server that has reopened..crazy stats custom armor,weapon accessory etc...farm is easy but i still cant connect because is with host and may not work...i told to admin to make system patch..give it a try:)
  5. i wont join just because i need fame...anyway does server custom give high stats?
  6. gl with ur server man.. anyway i reported u for spam..dont double post
  7. l2dubai was(as all who played it say) the best no custom server..dunno if with this "change" they will improve the server or fail..i wish GL anyway
  8. Yea join^^ i didnt played the old version but is a really good server..the only bad thing(for me and others i think) is that some players already have top items because some farmed all the first day(easy farm) and others are old players..but if i am not wrong the old players started with no items..anyway i invite everyone to join^^ Cloud
  9. its the worst server i ever played...tons of donators pk u..staff force u to vote and if they see not enough vote they tell:"WE'LL CLOSE SERVER ETC.."....wanna know a thing?close it,i dont need it...failed server
  10. Fix ur title as [interlude L2JL2 WE...anyway gl with ur nice server:)
  11. server have customs??anyway awesome website and cool server i'll join(maybe):P
  12. i'll give it a try..hope it wont be too much corrupted..
  13. just to know,can i know aproximately when server will be up or when u'll start work on it? sry to bother u:)
  14. really...trust me...with multiskills system mages are useless and fighter OP..there is no funny.If u modify system to multisub(stacksub) example main+2/3/4 i dunno(as old L2Olympiangods) it will be much better and u'll have more players,i'll join if a day will be stacksub system:D anyway i wish u gl for ur server:)
  15. I'll join for sure,as i heard was a good server and i like this type of servers..i wish gl for this server..i cant wait for his open:)
  16. will stay as multiskills?i wan old l2olympiangods style...3/4 or 5 stucksubs+customs:D...
  17. omg hell yea!...anyway i think that main+4/5 will be better...with multiskills system mages will be shits...so i suggest u to make it similar to old Olympiangods with 4/5 stucksubs..:) site off?
  18. Its a good server guys^^ i already tried and i am happy:) good staff,good items..nice server.. Join us:D
  19. as title says i am looking for 500x-5000x server Interlude/Hellbound/GRACIa part II/Gracia part final with custom sets,weapons,tatoo...and,if possible,little edited stats..yea i know these servers can be unbalance but i like them and for the moment i cant find a good pvp server...thx in advance Cloud
  20. what?crazy stat tatoo for balanced pvp??what do u mean...u wrote something of...CRAZY lol also..u must say "StackSub System is on"...this is what u mean with 1main class+2subclass:)
  21. http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=34835.0 look at the second post of Grisom topic..there is everything(i think^^) that has been shared..for example DisasterArmors,Sacrifice..all from our genius client modders..
  22. isnt this spam?dont u see that he need 500x server?... about custom server:zealfront.com...or wait for the17heroes(yea is reopening on august) and hammerfall(if will ever openxD)
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