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Everything posted by Escordia

  1. Personally i dont recommend it "the photoshop steps" well i can make even colorfull images with less steps than those you added but i think it doesnt matter cause the unreal ones are right so its a cool guide for begginers. But i trully recommend to start using photoshop more advanced before you make an outcome from this tutorial. Its been really loooooooong time since i saw one decend logo or custom :)
  2. prepei na exeis 1on gnwseis tou photoshop kai tou alpha channel apo tin stigmi pou den mporei na kaneis to guide tou fighter tote me kamoia dunami den 8a katafereis na peraseis eikones me xrwma opos autes pou 8es
  3. ban intrepid
  4. i said it but ex-staffers used to laught at me ::) my privs are a bit highter than vip on client mod sections. i have lock and stickie at client sections only
  5. Αυτό το βίντεο διαθέτει περιεχόμενο από τους χρήστες The Orchard Music και Symbolic Digital, ένας ή περισσότεροι εκ των οποίων το έχουν αποκλείσει για λόγους πνευματικών δικαιωμάτων.
  6. he requested demo btw YES from me we want active mods
  7. re palikari mou! to id to teleuteo douleuei gia na einai saved! apla antigrafeis to ID kai allazeis auta pou 8es mono gt auto p pernas isws na exei kapio Error giauto na min mpainei
  8. ID Name Description
  9. anoi3e to itemname sou kane copy to katw katw kai meta paste alla3e ta infos kai to id kai kane save
  10. lolz my avatar
  11. Yes, so many times that i can't even remember. so yes :) even at gathers :D admin's buddies used to insult me more than 20 mn and like the rules says they should be banned for flaming. but admin had a lil prob with his eyes or when he was dead he was playing with his dog so he "didnt" saw the flames! until i played Lan with them :3
  12. One question: HAVE YOU EVER PLAYED OR WATCHED STAR WARS? why you call the latests updates star wars? i havent saw so far a laser beam or a gun or a jedi sword at official servers. Your IQ must be lower than a tomato... juice. I bet that your first MMORG was Lineage Shitlude thats why you think it was an EPIC game! well i played since c3 and guess WHAT? i stopped l2 at Shitlude cause of the UNLIMITED UNBALANCED AND FCKED UP things! i started again after Kamael ( never played one as race ) So guess again what! It was turned to be a PLAYABLE mmorg game! And one more think! can you see this fckin 12????? MOST OF YOU DONT HAVE EVEN THE PROPER AGE TO PLAY THAT GAME! not cause of the "violence" BUT BECAUSE OF YOUR FCKED UP IQ
  13. try to find a flow on the render and add the effects only on the flow. also try not to pattern all the signature. i recommend you to not use text at your signatures until you will be improved cause texts can ruin even a masterpiece or make something "bad" into one and dont use borders! xD seems bad :P
  14. no if you have this everyone will be
  15. perfect! i will use it anytime i want to upload an image! bookmarked!
  16. L2 is FINALLY getting the "rank" of game after Final. so personally L2 is getting alive with those updates! Kids underaged with NO experience of MMORGS should not take place in this discussion! Interlude was just a failure attempt of NCSoft to produce fast improvement! i hate the "F1" games like L2 Interlude. Also is TOTALLY so unbalanced! try to fight with a dwarf class Maestro... you CANT kill even a mob! Personally i have to say that my pvp class at Freya is Maestro. Bow / blunt is a great combination ( with the buffs getting some range that i can even beat an archer in almost the same range! ) So personally about the question: HELL NO ITS NOT DYING ITS TURNING TO BE A REAL GAME
  17. Trusted and skilled, haters gonna hate and me i will keep laughing out loud!
  18. GW2 will be released after TERA so its TERA's age till now
  19. this game died months ago. welcome to the year of tera
  20. http://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?action=profile;u=86251
  21. junk http://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=200343.0
  22. Topic will be locked until moved into the GUIDE sticky topic!
  23. didnt said its c/p! i said its THE SAME thing! about coloring is PHOTOSHOP SECTION! also the method you used is totally wrong! you cant call this coloring! one good developer ( client ) must now at least the basic of photoshop
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