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Everything posted by Escordia

  1. if u want we can make it collab :3
  2. make it sign and give it to me:3
  3. if you reply with the size i can make one with the luffy xD
  4. good idea XD after i will finish my sasuke + ichigo xD
  5. if u add the options at Low it will run smoother..
  6. http://vindictus.nexoneu.com/ works fine at me...
  7. tin 8elei gt tote pou pai8ane i mana tis kai fona3e MOMMYYYYYYYY bgikan 3-4 Sea kings kai efagan ton allo, kai efoson autos itan parwn nomizei oti einai i dinami tis Shirahosi. Kanonika itan apli tixi xD
  8. check your pms
  9. pm me your mail and username... i will make the account for you. you can then change the password
  10. at the link i gave you..
  11. you must add first all the infos..
  12. thats the problem. http://passport.nexoneu.com/Registration/Signup.aspx?nexoneuTheme=Vindictus this password is for all of their games
  13. i will make it at photoshop then for you XD
  14. pio to noima na blepeis to anime xwris na 3ereis ti pragmatika sinebei? :P to manga einai sto 641 episodio QQ
  15. you play mostly with the mouse... and its dungeon based game ;3 you will see but even on the lower settings the graphics are purely awesome :D worths trying and playing :3 now i got one lvl 18 Evie :D i am badass 8)
  16. max level cap atm is 44 also Evie has been released :3 and Vindictus shop has been enabled:3
  17. this game is the world's best Free to Play game... Also is even more popular at America from any P2P game
  18. an einai sxetika kainourgio tote mporeis na mpeis me Wifi kai na kaneis install ena Barcode programa ta barcodes einai auta: ama kaneis search barcode reader gia to modelo kinitou sou 8a breis sigoura... meta uparxoun site p anebazeis photos arxeia k diafora kai sta kanei barcodes... me tin kamera tou kinitou skanareis to barcode k auto automata kateuenei sto kinito sou... tora an 8es na peraseis apo kinito sto pc mono me karta mnimis k card reader :/
  19. Vindictus is a free-to-play action-MMORPG developed by devCAT and published by Nexon. The game originally hails from Korea where it is known as Mabinogi: Heroes, and serves as a prequel to the popular Nexon MMORPG, Mabinogi. Vindictus is being developed on Valve's Source engine and features fast paced combat, cloth physics, and the ability to weaponize objects in the environment. Vindictus Online (Gameplay) Vindictus EU is Live! download and register for free: http://vindictus.nexoneu.com/
  20. gia na se kanw na zilepseis... o luffy kerdise guro stous 10.000 pirates se 1 second XD
  21. 8elei konta 50+ episodia sto anime gia na ftasei ekei ... btw otan eixa diavasei gia ton kuma ta eixa pai3ei o.o
  22. download and install Game booster too:3 it will save you some ram for better perfomance while you playing
  23. o malakas apo to fisherman crew... pou i8ele na ginei basilias apo fisherman island... pou epiase ton jinbei sti plaza kai ir8e o luffy kai arxise to 3ulo k bla bla bla... einai pl dunatos k exei meionextima o luffy :S
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