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Everything posted by Atayaia

  1. logically depend from server to server but on last server where i played (35/55x) i used a lot train tactic with titan... for example in Hall of flames you can get a lot of adena by doing mob train..
  2. "best" subclass depend from many thing... from buff avaiable, from buff time, from rates of server... right now i have main cardinal and sub: sps/TH/sph (yeah on l2j you can do similar classes)/duelist....
  3. You forget to add C2 and C5 xDD btw i loved C4 for all news that it had..
  4. i think i got the worst... i had as augment: "play a music" "don't receive damage from tackin from high fall" "play fireworks" best probably was WM lvl 10 on icarus hall and on another Celestial Shield
  5. Probably here nobody needs this infos but if my friend want to start to play i will give him this one guide xD It's good..
  6. Sincerely i think that they gonna destroy this game... C4-C5 was the best for sure... Also C3 was good but C4 had some new good thing like olys that i love... But.. ncsoft implement a lot of thing... too much of thing that should work all perfectly to have a good balance from class to class. I think that in the next future the new LineagesII will be ever worst and unbalanced. Btw i hope that i'm wrong..
  7. it sound funny but the problem is that there are a lot of ppl who show like description xDDDD
  8. Right now i've never donate for a server.. i will donate when i will find a server that i'll like. Right now best server i've played (for fix.. number of ppl etc) is Elite.. but this server have 2 big problems: 1 lag - 2 Still C4 If i'll find a good server probably i will also donate..
  9. I got on an icarus hall Celestial shield as active skill
  10. i think that it could be helpfull just on server where ppl are really low and on very high rates... .. especially for 2 reason: - way to reach lvl 80 so fast - time to put all skill on bar and prepare yourself for oly.. ..i dunno how you playing but if you play in a server where ppl are a little able to play you will need all your skill ready.. So.. from your registration you will need at least 5 minuts (depend from server.. but i think that + or - that's the time needed) to change class, go reach 80, put all skill on bar and prepare yourself. That's a little bit hard where there are a lot of ppl...
  11. Sword singer is not good to use dual sword. He have skill for Sword/Blunt weapon mastery. btw as all already say gladiator is the best with dual sword... and bladedancer is most usefull (on low rate where buff don't work for long time)
  12. I choose old style 'couse i very loved sounds of 15k damage or something around that... but.. probably it is better with new style...
  13. Somebody know how to augment a jewel? I already got Accessory life stone lvl 80 but i dunno how i can use them to enchant my jwl.. Thanks in advance
  14. I think that "the best class in oly" change in every server and in every version of game.. On Gracia 2 server i did not play a lot so i don't know which class could be the "strongest". BTW with new augment system i think that the most part of chance are from the augment that you have..
  15. wooo the one with the female dark elf is really porn xDDD here some of mine pictures this one show me with my dear friend xDDD and for christmas.. MARRY CHRISTMAS FROM SANTA CLAUS!!!
  16. Hi to everybody!! I'm new!! I really hope to be a good community member. Best Regards from Italy!!
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