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Everything posted by Atayaia

  1. I would play... but not in 5x. C4 mid rate (30x-50x) will probably reclute a lot more ppl then all other server... and would be more funny. Just take a look to l2elite. Dosmac don't do a shit from 3 years (maybe 4) and still have a lot of player in. If he did something to grow population now it probably could be one of the most populated server of lineage.
  2. About that... I just agree with you. Interlude is probably the worst version ever released but a lot of ppl love it.. Why? Dunno... It is maybe 'couse they like unbalanced augments or some other. Sincerely i never understand "why"... But if you let ppl choose: "Hellbound" or "Interlude".. the most part will chose the second one. (me too. That's why my idea of "perfect game-play" was during c4/c5... and Interlude is more similar to those chronicles. *Also 'couse if i have to change i'll prefer play on Gracia/Freya) I want to add about this thing.. I've a big group of friend with i ever played... Now we have a BIG problem to solve to play all togheter: The most part of them want ONLY play on a Interlude server. I still try to explain them why that chronicle sucks... but the group of moron still want only an interlude server. That's just the "second kind of lineage players"
  3. I want to ask you an "inverse question".. Why i should play in Hellbound? There is Kamael/Gracia/Freya with a lot of new thing... There is Interlude that is more stable and balanced (a part duellist in oly and augments) There is c5/c4 definitely much more balanced and stable. Most part of player can be divided in 2 groups: 1 - Who want "new thing", "update", "latest version", "overpowered thing".. etc. < They look for stable and recently chronicles > 2 - Who don't like "new thing", "update..... < They just play in c4/c5/Interlude(that's probably why there still survive a lot of them)> That's my point of view
  4. They've upgraded the game-play graphics.. Now it show like AION. Think that they're still using Unreal 2 Engine (they only upgraded/optimized details) But the "problem" with old player would be the new Battle-System... ...it is gonna totally change game-play... = 95% different game. Another problem there will be with private servers. I've read somewhere that there are some things (about new battle-system) that could not be implemented in a l2j server.. so we'll have to wait a lot to try it (except for who play official servers) Btw... we can just wait until the release and try it. It is hard to say "it sucks"/"a shit"/"amazing" without play it.. _________ I was still hoping on Lineage III... then i went to know about the dropped project and the problems about the Graphics engine..... and obviously about TERA.. So... -beep-! I hope those update will be AMAZING. xD _________
  5. I'm gonna ADD some info to your post.... ______________________________________________________ Having previewed this news a few weeks back, at NCsoft's G*Star 2010 press conference, the official trailer for Lineage 2's next expansion, Goddess of Destruction, was revealed for the very first time. According to NCsoft's spokesperson, the very core systems, including combat, professions etc will be revised in this new expansion. More new changes and updates will be revealed when G*Star 2010 officially starts on the 18th. A total of 20 demo booths will be available for attendees to try the new expansion out. [G*Star 2010] Lineage 2: Goddess of Destruction revealed Having previewed this news a few weeks back, at NCsoft's G*Star 2010 press conference, the official trailer for Lineage 2's next expansion, Goddess of Destruction, was revealed for the very first time. According to NCsoft's spokesperson, the very core systems, including combat, professions etc will be revised in this new expansion. More new changes and updates will be revealed when G*Star 2010 officially starts on the 18th. A total of 20 demo booths will be available for attendees to try the new expansion out. Update: Those with a (confirmed) means that the news is confirmed via a G*Star interview with NCsoft representatives (below). 1. Storyline will feature the Goddess of Destruction taking over the Chaotic Throne. To prevent this, the humans engage the help of the Titans (or Giants). 2. New R-class weapons, a group of the most powerful R-weapons cannot be traded. Upgrading method will also differ from other equipments'. R stands for "Royal". (confirmed) 3. 4th class advancement, known as the Awakening System. (confirmed, new info will be released gradually) 4. More monsters, more bosses, more conquerable maps and over 20 new hunting maps. (confirmed) 5. New teleport portals in PvP war zones for faster access to certain points. 6. Battle system, production system and almost all core systems will be overhauled. (confirmed) 7. Upgrading of monster AI, especially for bosses. They will inflict more status such as stunt etc using their skills. (confirmed) 8. Siege system will be revamped and implemented after the first Goddess of Destruction patch hits. 9. Upgrading and optimization of game graphics, lighting effects and shadows even though the game is still using Unreal 2 Engine. (confirmed) 10. New starting point for beginners, new leveling process (or curve). (confirmed) 11. New level cap will be 90. (confirmed) 12. Class balancing, including nerfing and strengthening some classes. (confirmed) 13. No fix date for release, the expansion is undergoing internal QA (quality assurance) now. (confirmed) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cJq7VdNa_-g?fs=1&hl=it_IT&rel=0 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yGzszyvbFRw?fs=1&hl=it_IT&rel=0&hd=1 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G7CKLgnwmQo?fs=1&hl=it_IT&rel=0&hd=1 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NvYOiTwNEm0?fs=1&hl=it_IT&rel=0&hd=1 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jRNruox9Dmk?fs=1&hl=it_IT&rel=0&hd=1
  6. Collection old.. need to be updated.... the next's don't work (i mean the preview) http://www.l2addicts.com/ http://www.l2athebaldt.com/ http://l2atlantis.ro/news.php http://l2cerberus.com/ http://www.l2dread.com/ http://www.l2kronos.com/ http://www.l2dubai.com/index-2.html http://www.l2eclipse.es/ http://www.l2-existence.com/ http://www.l2fighters.com/ http://greater.la2game.org http://www.halfgames.net/ www.middle-earth.com.pl http://www.l2rhapsody.eu/ (have spam) www.thebestplayers.com.ar http://core.lineager.eu/ www.ultimatel2.com http://www.l2vip.gr/ http://www.viciousrage.com/
  7. i can confirm that luzbel don't understand nothing. It sends info to your computer.. Gf on steal your own information...
  8. Every all new release have a lot of bug... it is just "normal"
  9. fully working!! +1 from me! Pity that sublimity is dying...
  10. Yo Tile! Gonna check this night if work for me! Be sure that after i check i'll give you +1! Best Regards
  11. Lol... Elite is the most secure server i've played.. I was there when Dosmac did C3... and played during Elite C4 at least 2 year... There was some little bug but they're fixed... ... [exploit] aa.. fixed .. [bug] a bug with tatoo but i just heard.. didn't understand how they work.. tatoo removed .. [l2phx - probably] some russian that enchant items and sold them on a website.. fixed .. [bug] reflect damage for a summon with 1 hp who give karma to other ppl.. dunno if its fixed .. [bug] trade bug with "you are trading with another persone".. dunno if its fixed .. [geodata error] teleport directly to toi11.. ok .. [geodata error] hit baium throught door.. permajail .. [geodata error] we was the first who find the way to go to valakas without quest just passing mountain (and then told to the most player of that period xD).. permajail I don't play there from some years so i don't know if there is something new... I just know that the biggest problem of that server was donator and scammers.
  12. In Maxcheater there is both aegis and sublimity developer... In Sublimity Opalsnow (or something like that, the developer) reward ppl that find working bot program so he can fix... it is called "zero team".. btw you rox!
  13. if i can suggest you... hide it with A LOT of post...
  14. there is a way to let it work also in Interlude? I'm trying to use it on sublimity but i got critical error after every moves i do.. when i log in i can see the menu with ///CFG but no more...
  15. don't work if you try to recall after siege start. At least on server where i've try you cannot recall anybody there. You get not teleported out when siege start 'couse it is not combat zone so you are inside castle, but you cannot use recall or gate chant. So if you want use that's "trick" you must recall all your pt before siege start
  16. With new Royal Update in Nova you get disconnected everytime you try to log in... They've obviously changed something.. TILEMACHOS could you check? Thanks in advance Regards ___ sorry for double post.. i already edited last one 3 times... and i want it up ___
  17. Gonna try this way this night.. When i went to aden i found all door opened xD So it was easy bring a char there..
  18. Hi guys.. i'm looking for someone that can help me with a script... i'm trying to do it by myself but i'm in trouble with some thing.. I would have a script that check auctioneer for bid for the first clan hall that became free.. There is someone that may help me? Thanks in advance! Best regards (ps hide it if you do xD)
  19. Gonna try on IL... but sincerely i don't understand how to log a char without get "already in use"..
  20. From today walker in l2sublimity don't work anymore... You don't see any skill or items on settings.. How to solve? changing ip? ______________ * Today at 11:47:22 AM * With system you did we don't need host file.. so... how to change ip connection? ______________ *23:37 GMT +1* Now it work again O_o
  21. I think it's hard 'couse you got disconnected if you log more then 2 client from same pc.. I guess it's for ip...? ??? *Sincerely i don't think is only for ip 'couse if you have more then 1 pc you can open client without get disconnected... so what it 'could be? A mix of ip/Mac address? Sorry if i said something stupid but i'm trying to learn how it work xD With battleping+sandboxie you could multibox (4 box at least)... but now that battleping end his trial period probably not a lot of ppl gonna pay for it.. Do you have some good ideas about how open more then 2 box?
  22. i'll do! Gonna study a lot! My new slogan is: I wish to be like TILEMACHOS!
  23. Master Tilemachos... PLEASE!! Teach me! I want to be your student!! xDD Tell me what i can start study! Ready to all.
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