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Everything posted by Awaken

  1. Nice Wings :) Thanks For Share.
  2. Nice man , only when GM see u fight in oly = perma banned :p , bug it's good , nice man , thanks :)
  3. Sofaki again good item u remake :) nice , You are good witch this :) , Thanks
  4. L2J stucksub - bad Hm server today opened and have 5online , tell me only this donate server? im dont see in webiste donation's page.
  5. Nice , very nice , Bow And Mace are best :) , thanks for Share man !
  6. Good mAn :) , Thanks for share , only bow - bad , the sword one handed it's best
  7. Forsak3n 70% Post in this topic it's Yours . This guide good for newbie and new Hero (when u are first come to Hero Status) Im Hero in many server only im check and recommend this guide:) Thanks ofc.
  8. Monstery of Silence Silent Seeker 78lvl & Solina Brother 78lvl Silent : Durable Metal Plate (on x10spoil take 3 per moob and 7-10asofe) Solina : Mold Lubricant (on x10spoil take 3-6per moob) And witch this moob spoiling (KeyMats A.GRADE: Mj Robe Armor and Nm Light Armor) Good Lucky.
  9. OMG SPAMMER ehh write how many +- u prefer and what idea u have for this deye ehh , only like the spam?
  10. Upload again link . In this plik ID item from Gracia Final? or write here for what chronicle this.
  11. Stupid man , why u - 9STR and u use CRT.DMG are idiots/n00bs realy and when u have crit u crit are lower . And im told best deye (me idea) for TH and PW , for AW dont only im know for AW best dagger witch crt.dmg . For TH and PW best it's Dex & Con - STR and dagger witch haste/focus/Chance(to Skills) im prefer focus/haste . Me idea only im told this here . And dont Quote me posts , im dont have time for give answer to you stupid idea/question.
  12. Look The date post OMG from December 2007 , make new topic to question .
  13. Dunno , some know meaby in what server this bug work? or this fixed in many server? im only look for check in in any sh1t l2j . Thanks.
  14. Why u thanks for all answer to you topic ;] , Great man and im see it time ago in other topic , no You npc only the same item in sell in npc .
  15. Yeee nice , Thanks man im make pink cursor :D .
  16. Hm when u - All con BD it's Very sux for oly .. & pvp witch 1v1 , im know BD no good witch 1vs1 and im prefer this deye for farming . Me deye prefer for pvp/oly it's +2STR-2DEX +4CON-4DEX
  17. How many online? and server good? have any incident? lag? many crush?
  18. This is great ;] no best :) , Thanks.
  19. Nice hm , only for pvp im prefer good sp rate , no exp . When u have good exp for 1pvp or other , people make dual box and killing bot and fast exping. So meaby this config it's for lvl ? "10lvl kill 10lvl and reward 1000exp "50lvl kill 50lvl and reward 6000exp "40lvl kill 50lvl and reward 10000exp Or 1lvl kill 1lvl and reward 1000exp? 10lvl kill 1lvl and reward 1000exp? Sory for me english ;] it's bad meaby cobra u know what im told here and give me answer.
  20. Me favorite it's Gladiator or Elemental Summoner witch self (No augment) , when u have good nuke augment (prominence, death spike , other) im prefer you Elven Elder if u have good nuke augment and nice self buff (pof and some)
  21. Plains Walker & Treasure Hunter: -1STR+1DEX -4STR+4DEX -4STR+4STR And in this deye use Dagger witch Haste or Focus , no CRT.DMG , this deye - u all str and when u give critical , u critical it's lower dmg and witch this deye u use haste or focus u chance uping for critical and u hiting it's fasting.
  22. when this server x15 opened? today? how many online ? and server dont have donate?:) for item ofc or enchant
  23. Webiste it's nice , only tell me how many online?
  24. Yee nice Share im go to test it , thanks.
  25. Nice man , tell me only what item best for make SSC ? what item price it's lower and give big cry-c
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