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Everything posted by Junkee

  1. Wow amazing tool mate :D Thx for share, keep it up *EDITED* Can you tell us the password?
  2. Can someone make this for L2J Interlude? Thx in advanced.
  3. Thx a lot mate :P
  4. After i've edited some .java files, i can't see build.xml file in my game server to compile it :-[ Look at this screen http://g.imagehost.org/view/0703/help no build.xml :( I use l2jfree latest C6 revision PS: I'm newbie in java, now I'm learning :D
  5. Awesome collection :D Thx
  6. It is pretty balanced for a java server dude :P And has a lot of fixes, i really like it.
  7. Another bug i found : when you equip tattoo of pledge it gives like 2,5k M.Atk. and casting speed too, way too much and is not normal for pledge tattoo to give these stats. Fix it please :D
  8. It will be nice if you share the armor too (i mean for IL) :D Awesome dagger :D Thx for share, keep it up
  9. Thx for support, but another problem i found: after a pvp i dont get the pvp point...kinda weird :-?
  10. Pretty balanced server :D I joined yesterday and i like it, nice armor stats and good enchant rates. But now this server has a bug...people free pk without getting karma :( Fix it please :D IG name: Junkee
  11. Awesome tool, simply and clear for all :P Thx for share mate, keep up
  12. I searched but I didn't found something, only the old walker for old L2-Vendetta. If someone have it please share it, I would apreciate :D Greetings !
  13. Awesome mate :P Thx for share, I'm searching this for interlude if someone can make them will be nice
  14. Seems to be a pretty server :P I'll give it a try Good job with your new server mate ;)
  15. I've tried with fileedit but doesn't worked ;/ Any ideas?
  16. As the title say, if someone can post here a guide how to decrypt L2info.dat for OOG walker, please do it and help me :P Thx in advanced, -Junkee
  17. At last he gave proper credits, so don't speak please,because la2base are beep-ing leechers. On\\ Thx for share mate, armors looks awesome ;)
  18. What's the point to get scammed by GM? Has no sense lol
  19. Sup L1n ? :P LostArcher/Junkee here from L2gold :D Ontopic: This server has the same features like l2gold, i will give it a try =P Harmonium/BlackListed FTW
  20. Here you have that weapons shared by me :P http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=36723.0 Nice share ScaredAngell, thx :P
  21. Nice server features,i'll give it a try ;) c'mon ppl join xD
  22. Awesome collection ! Thx for sharing :P
  23. Seems to be a good server, i'll give it a try soon :P
  24. That's awesome mate :P Keep up the good work,thx for share ;)
  25. Happy new year to all MxC members ! :D I wanted to see that chick too :P dont be bad show us ;)
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