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Everything posted by JonathanRhyS

  1. Dn mporw na valw ta ports sto modem m. Kamia idea? m leei conflict error between 8 and 9 port.
  2. If you know any high rate multiskills(stucksubs,stuckclass,multiclass) server Gracia ct2 or gracia final pls tell me
  3. Oxi paidia. To exw sto gracia 2. To file einai gracia 2. TO mono p kanw einai na alliwsw to name enws adikimenou. Dld ekei p grafei dark knight armor egw vazw Special Armor
  4. Les na mn to exw dokimasei? To prwto p ekana! :P Srry gia tn ekfrasi.. Ta idia skata :D
  5. Ok euxaristw. An kai gia to 1o akoma iparxei to provlima
  6. Re paidia anoigw me fileedit to itemname-e.dat kai allazw kati... To kanw save se header 413 alla m vgazei to eksis error: Cannot open file. "C:\Users\v\AppData\Local\Temp\RarSFX0\temp\new-itemname-e.dat ". Δεν είναι δυνατή η εύρεση του καθορισμένου αρχείου από το σύστημα. Kai ena allo p dn kserw pws to ekana... Exw anoiksei 2o server p einai oli tn wra down. Thelw na tn diagrapsw teleiws pws to kanw?
  7. Kanw server ct2. To system einai ct2. To apothikeuw se 413 header. Kai pali omws dn kserw...
  8. Dn lew auto alla tespa... Re otan to allazw einai ok to apothikeuw. Alla otan paw na to anoiksw me to l2.exe trww critical kateutheian
  9. Srry gia to ligo akiro post. Thelw na mathw pws mporw na valw server name p fenete sto log-in screen. Kserw pws exei ginei post (to thimamai) alla dn mporw na to vrw. Opios thimatai parakalw as m dwsei link
  10. I cant register on forum and i wanna post something important
  11. Tyrant file poli apla... omws milame gia high rate server Ama thes low rate gladi ofc...
  12. Douleuei mono se interlude? xreiazomai gia gracia pt2 Gia video mporeis na xrisimopieiseis hypercam2. Aplo grigoro kai eukolo
  13. Kai pou to provlima?Ksanabaffarese.Kai se merikous server kratane parapanw.
  14. Megalo lathos to max einai nomizw.Dn eimai sigouros gia ta teleutaia 3 :P
  15. The best multisub for fighters is: main:adventrer, 2nd:cardinal , 3rd any summoner and last destroyer.You have the attack speed of the adventurer, the heal of the cardinal, the cubics and the transfer pain and the powerfull skills from destroyer(you will be adventurer with light armor and dual handed weapon(like destroyer).The best multicsub for mage is Main:Spellhowler 2nd cardinal, 3rd any summoner and last WarCryer.You have the best m.atk with spleehowler, heal with cardinal, cubics and transfer pain with summoner and you use the skill of the WarCryer but i dont remember its name.I think its Essensial but anyway.
  16. Nai alla oi perissoteroi dn to kserate auto to bug(san emena)kai mn to pezetai mages.Kala ekane to paidi kai to postare.
  17. Posa exploits exoun poiasei ston server sas?Egw loipame p tha to pw alla mono 2.Ena TvT event bug kai auto p mpaineis me frenzy oly....
  18. M fenete ligo apithano alla dn vlepw tn logo na kaneis soe enw iparxoun tosa alla bug :P
  19. Nc.Mporei na to kseroun poloi alla dn vlaptei na ta vlepoume kiolas :D
  20. Psifizw l2 core.Kalostoimenos server me polla customs kai no bugs :D
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