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Everything posted by kilua

  1. open the walker mode administrator and work perfect
  2. :( i need a walker with bypass or other killer gameguar but thx bro
  3. i will try but in my server dont have function thanks
  4. yep work but can use too a autocliker ty ;)
  5. i dont like that have much bugs
  6. yep work if perfer for lvl :D
  7. i go try xD but in c4 i remember work
  8. ey bro update again the images plx :-[
  9. add delay or a action pick up i dont know :P
  10. Lineage 2 Counter Strike 1.6 Need For Speed
  11. pokemon online is better lol xD
  12. wtf pokemon online ajaja i want make a master pokemon :D
  13. i need duplicate items i know in c4 with trade and pet but no work in c6 hellbound gracia etc cya >:(
  14. Lord Crow or santa hatt ^^
  15. overlord is the perfect balance
  16. lawl fixed in my server thnxs
  17. adventurer with vampire rage and dance vampire or necro
  18. is nice when im in the msn :D or if i go away can win a ban gg cya
  19. in dagger use or full evasion or full acuracy i like evasion and cov no with berserker if u play with tank is better acuracy good luck
  20. my legend clan FuriousAngels ftw
  21. rpg and pvp is the balance perfect :D i play a server x40
  22. yep depends on server . in my server archer is better wtf critical damage
  23. yeah with strider can easy and wall of castles too
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