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Everything posted by Commodus

  1. Add a prefix in your title. Good luck,
  2. Okay then, as your problem solved, topic locked.
  3. I didn't understand anything. Try to explain it better, so we can help you.
  4. Koita ta guides pou sou edosan kai psakse gia alla an xreiastei sto forum. An thes tipota allo na rotiseis, pm me na to unlock.
  5. Lipon. Akou. Bale ksana apo tin arxi tin buffer kai bale ta imports tou equal pou sou dosan parapanw. An sou bgazei pali to script error opos eida stin foto sto proigoumeno reply sou, tha kaneis to eksis: Anikse ton fakelo tis buffer kai bres to arxeio init_py. Pata CTRL + F kai bres autes tis grammes: RestoreHP, RestoreMP, RestoreCP Opoies grammes blepeis me ta parapanw kantes delete. Afou tis sbiseis OLES tis grammes, kane save to init_py, restart ton server kai eise etimos.
  6. Prospathise kai tha ta katafereis.
  7. Katebase auto, pata sto website link to url tou l2enigma kai arxise na katebazeis ta arxeia.
  8. Na alakseis to name tou cloak, dhladh?
  9. An thes pereterw boithia se auto to thema , pm me na to unlock.
  10. http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=78897.0
  11. Lol. I don't want to insult you , but seem that you wanna start a war, but i don't. It was.
  12. I didn't insult you. You must grow up and think better. I have a life and i must live, not be like 24 hours on maxcheaters. I saw your pm one day after that's why i didn't send you a pm the day you sent it to me. And yes, you are not an brain-included person that's why i said you ''dumb". Someone who offers something, let the seller think about it first. You send me a pm and you wanted an answer in some mins or so. That's why, its better to give the items to someone with brain and clear mind and not in someone who is acting like kid and thinks of whatever sh1t comes in his mind. So sad :( You want all these items and more for like 10 euros :( .. I am not good seller :(
  13. Locked. PS: He is not scammer, he traded almost all of his paysafe cards with me.
  14. What the hell? I was offline yesterday that's why i didn't send you any pm. Sorry but, Dumb people are not accepted in my trades, >.<
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