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Everything posted by Commodus

  1. To id tou teleport pou tha ftiaxeis den exei sxesi me to sql tis gatekeeper. Otan baleis ena new teleport kai baleis ena id , to id tha to xrisimopoihseis mono sto html arxeio tis gatekeeper sou.
  2. Auto eine problima tou pack sou. An exeis compiled pack , mporeis na to kaneis report oste na ginei fix apo tous developers tou project sou. An exeis preconfigured pack , den mporeis na to ftiaxeis ektos an pas stin database sou sto table ' accounts ' kai bgaleis to hero status apo ton pexti auton.
  3. Mporei na min fteei kapio sigkekrimeno arxeio. Mporei polla arxeia na eine corrupted kai gia auto oi players trone critical error. Efoson den exeis ftiaxei esy to patch , pes tou na to alaksei pernontas ena katharo ( no edited ) .
  4. Efoson ginetai me compile , tha mporouse na tou pei pos ginetai. Ego den exo dei se kanenan server auto to mod , kai episis den exo dei kanena test apo kanena project. Den ginontai ola me compile . Merika den exoun core support kai etsi den ginetai na ta ftiaxeis.
  5. Ta coordinates eine ta x,y,z. An anikseis ta htm arxeia tis gatekeeper sou tha deis sta teleports auto edw : "bypass -h npc_%objectId%_goto 2808" To 2808 eine to id gia to teleport tis giran. Auta ta id tha ta breis stin database sou -> table ' teleport '. Mporeis na kaneis add ena new record kai na baleis to diko sou id kai ta dika sou coordinates. Des ta records sto table ' teleport ' kai ftiaxe esy kati paromoio. Ta coordinates mporeis na ta breis grafontas /loc se mia perioxi stin opoia thes. P.x an pas stin giran se opoio meros thes ( misc shop p.x ) kai patiseis /loc tha sou bgalei kati coordinates . Eine 3 arithmoi oi opoioi antistixoun sta x,y,z.
  6. Auto itan kapote problima tis archid. Kai efoson den eine public auth thn stigmi , den mporeis na kaneis update to pack sou.
  7. Den katalabenw ti ennoeis . Eksigise kalitera ti akrivos thes.
  8. An den se kanei teleport stin giran , paei na pei pos iparxei problima sta coordinates sou. Alakse ta kai ksanadokimase.
  9. Mporei na fteei kai to patched system sou kai oxi h gatekeeper. Alakse patched system kai ksanadokimase.
  10. Mporeis na ta baleis se ola ta packs . Arkei na min pareis corrupted arxeia.
  11. Request Dev Help Gr - http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=110375.0 - http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=110399.0 Request Dev Help En - http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=110315.0
  12. Auta kanoun ta preconfigured packs . Polla errors xoris liseis gia fix. Kane compile ena pack oste na eine katharo kai latest update kai doulepse se auto. PS : Wrong section.
  13. Einai h kaliteri eteria gia hosting. Me 69 eurw ton mina mporeis na pareis super duper pc. Alla nta lon eisai.
  14. Commodus


    I don't understand what we're doing here.
  15. http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?action=profile;u=61973
  16. Hello MxC Community. Well , i searched the Warcraft III Section and i didn't find any guide explaining you how to host your own games. I think it's usefull since a lot people want to host their own games. Step One - Connecting to your modem : We must connect to our modem . So go to Run > cmd > ipconfig > Default Gateway Someone will ask . What i will do with the Default Gateway? • Config Firewall • Config Router • Config Modem (Sometimes needed) Step Two - Router : Now you will go to your internet browser and type in your Default Gateway. For example: Once you have entered this into your browser you should either be taken to your router page or prompted for a username/password. Enter your username and password and login. If you are unsure about the username and password , by default the username and the password are admin. Now that you are successfully logged into the router you should look for your port forwarding section. Continue in step three. Step Three - Opening Ports : In this case , i didn't know what to post because i don't know what every person has in his modem. Usually these tabs are : • Applications & Gaming • NAT • Advanced Settings • Port Configuration • Virtual Servers Now you need to forward any one port to your computer's IP Address Warcraft III ports : 6112-6119 Apply the changes. Step Four - Firewall : Windows XP: 1.Go to Start > Control Panel > Windows Security > Windows Firewall. 2.Go to the Exceptions Tab. Add Port and name it 6112. Make it TCP. Add again this port ( 6112 ) but make it UDP. 3.Now go to the Advanced Tab. In the Network Connection Settings section click Settings. Now in the Services Tab you need to Add 2 rules. One will be your IP Address, 6112 in/out and TCP. The other is same except it will be UDP. 4.Go to the ICMP Tab and Add a check to Allow Incoming Router Requests. You're done. Windows Vista: 1.Start > Control Panel > Security > Windows Firewall 2.Click Allow a program through Windows Firewall. 3.Click Add port. 4.In the Name , type Warcraft III 5.In the Port number box , type 6112. 6.Click TCP and UDP. You're done. Windows 7: 1. Control Panel > System and Security > Windows Firewall 2. Click on Allow a program of feature through Windows Firewall 3. Click on Change Settings and configure the ports by your own. 4. You can tick/untick any ports you want . Depends on what programs are you using. 5. If your game/port isn't at the list , you can press at ' accept another program ' . 6. Then you can browse your program or add a new port. You're done. Since i was an Windows XP user and i am an Windows 7 user , i didn't find it difficult to remember the settings for the firewall. But i never was an Windows Vista user , that's why i asked a person for some settings. The guide ends here . Hope it helps the people who want to host their own games. PS : I didn't add any screenshots , i think that it's easy to understand what i'm saying.
  17. Google translators sux ^^ I can't understand anything of the general info. Anyway , thanks for sharing it.
  18. Xalarose , ta posts auta eine gia to kalo sou . Den se anagkase kaneis na kaneis compile ena pack. An thes preconfigured pack , mporeis na kaneis search sto forum. Interlude Keword : ' IL Preconfigured Pack ' Gracia Final Keyword : ' CT2.3 Preconfigured Pack '
  19. Em exeis adiko omos . Pou ego noris katalaba ( eutixos ) ti simenei preconfigured kai ti compiled pack. Pote kai gia kanena logo , den xrisimopoihsa kai den tha xrisimopoihso POTE preconfigured shit. +1 Auto den mporeis na tou to peis :D An akolouthisis ta bimata , ena pros ena tha ta katafereis. Eime sigouros pos parelipses bimata pou den katalabenes ti eprepe na kaneis.
  20. Nai alla meta autos tha arxisei na kanei topics .. boithiste me mou hackaroun ton server Meta ti na tou peis?
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