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Everything posted by Commodus

  1. Gia otidipote allo xriasteis , mporeis na mou kaneis ena pm i na ftiaxeis ena new topic. Request to lock.
  2. To 6 min eine apo default. Auksise ta seconds sto AltOlyBattle kai ksanadokimase. Ean pali den krataei perissotero apo oso krataei tora , fteei to pack pou xrhsimopoieis. An exeis compiled pack , mporeis na to kaneis report , an exeis preconfigured den mporeis na kaneis tipota.
  3. Den fteei to protocol . To patch sou fteei. Efoson xrhsimopoieis c4 server , tha itan kalitero na kaneis edit ena hosts file para ena patched system.
  4. 1)Xrhsimopoieis patch gia ton server pou exeis? 2)Dose mou ta configs sou.
  5. Katebase kai auto to video: http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=105881.0 Tha mathis kapia pragmatakia gia to pos na kaneis apply ena java mod sto pack sou.
  6. config.php //External IP = $config['server_ip']=" > Bale tin no-ip sou < "; KK. Oti nane .
  7. inspiration , ta stats olon ton items briskontai sto gameserver/data/stats. Ekei sou exei ta xml arxeia gia weapon,armor ktlp. Esy tha anikseis to katalilo xml arxeio gia to item pou thes na alakseis ta stats kai tha breis to id autou tou item , pou brisketai mesa se auto to arxeio. Epeita , tha rikseis mia matia edw : XML Info Opou exei ola ta xml stats. Tha breis pia stats thes na baleis se kathe item kai tha kaneis edit tin parakatw grammi : <add val='[b]Edw tha baleis ena noumero , to poso thes na anebazei[/b]' order='0x10' stat='[color=red]XML Stat[/color]'/> P.x : <add val='200' order='0x10' stat='maxHp'/>
  8. Auto den exei sxesi me to drop rate ton mobs. Auto einai to category , to opoio to rithmizei ean thelei na balei na petaei to mob panw apo ena item. Diladi , an balei ena item -> bazei 1 kai an thelei 2 i parapanw kanei to idio. P.x proto item -> 1 category , deutero item -> 2 category. Gia na mporei na ta petaei ola kai oxi mono to proto.
  9. Perna to patch manually. Diladi kane edit tis grammes mia pros mia. ( + ) -> Prosthese tis grammes ( -) -> Afairese tis grammes Pote min kaneis apply , einai sigouro pos tha exeis errors.
  10. Kai omos . Full spam replies kai to pedi den elise akomi to problima tou. @oresti , an thes na anebaseis STR den bazeis sto stat=STR alla to code gia to STR eine : STAT_STR kai fisika sto add val bazeis oso thes na anebazei. Tha sou doso merika akomi codes , pou tha ta xriasteis : STAT_CON -> CON STAT_DEX -> DEX STAT_INT -> INT STAT_WIT -> WIT STAT_MEN -> MEN
  11. All of them are nice. Good job addytzu :P PS : If you have time , can you create a request topic ? ^^
  12. Tha itan kalitero tora stin arxi , na min katebazes ena etoimo pack. Mathe na kaneis compile kai tha eise mia xara. Katharo + last update pack. [Οδηγός]Πώς να κάνετε Compile. [Guide]Οδηγός , τα πάντα όλα για τους new-developers! An kitakseis me prosoxi auta ta 2 guides , tha ta katafereis. Kali tixi.
  13. Are you sure that your db name is lin2db ? Cause in your configs this is the default.
  14. Ennoeis na kaneis kai to haste buff kai to greater swift attack potion? Sta perissotera packs auto ginetai , etsi eine to default. Pithanon sto pack sou na min ginetai gia logous OP atk speed.
  15. As you can see in the error , your site can't connect to mysql. Are you sure that you have the port 80 opened and the config.php to be set correctly?
  16. Ti ennoeis oti kratane ligo ? Otan arxizei to match den prolavenei na bgei o nikitis ? Giati sto gracia final me to pou nikisei kapios ton allon , tote telionei to match + tous kanei teleport . { default }
  17. Thes na peraseis Bake Ice se L2J Server ? ...
  18. You made this topic in GR section too. Anyway , don't create again 2 x same topics. NPC Buffer - Done. http://www.4shared.com/file/204555134/8c2dbf99/NPC_Buffer_By_Stefoulis15.html GM Shop - Done. http://www.4shared.com/file/204562042/f1baa435/By_CaLeSty___BRABUS__Gm-Shop_F.html
  19. NPC Buffer - Done. http://www.4shared.com/file/204555134/8c2dbf99/NPC_Buffer_By_Stefoulis15.html GM Shop - Done. http://www.4shared.com/file/204562042/f1baa435/By_CaLeSty___BRABUS__Gm-Shop_F.html
  20. Pote sou to ebgale afto to error? Stin diadikasia pou ekanes compile to core/datapack?
  21. Ta skeftesai auta prin ta peis? Ksereis ti les ? h postareis oti nane ?
  22. An sou doulepsei kalos . An den sou doulepsei , katse kai kanta edit ena pros ena. Min pareis POTE preconfigured buffs , tha exeis problimata se polla skills. Request to lock efoson to problima sou lithike.
  23. Read first the rules and then create a new topic to ask help. How can we help you without even knowing what chronicle the server is.
  24. http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=105731.0
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