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Everything posted by GeorgeGr93

  1. Megale kai egw to idio problem eixa to kalokairi.Epsa3a,epsa3a,epsa3a(giati den 8es mono kati kalo,alla kai ligo oikonomiko.px thn idia karta grafikwn 10euro f8hnotera)telika phga sta e-shop kai eida kati pou den eixa dei prin.Exei kathfories(px Gamer,Student klp).Egw phra ena trelo mhxanhma (2500 eura) mono gia gaming(oxi oti den kanei ola ta alla).Auth einai h symboulh mou...
  2. Ok i bought Left 4 Dead and Cod 4.I started playing left 4 dead 2.5 hour ago and i finished all 4 campaigns(in single mode normal diff).I have plaied it with friends and it is much better than alone.Now I am playing cod.
  3. Den nomizw na mporeis o opoiosdhpote na kanei rollback enan server(an milas gia kanonikous players)
  4. To epiasa,all den to blepw na to anoigw... Ston apokatw petaw to logariasmo tou kinhtou pou hr8e shmera to prwi...
  5. The server is not worth.I bought dyes(there are not +4-4,only +4-5..) and i kicked for "illegal action"
  6. OMG!The triple post is not bannable,because there are 2-4 days between the posts.And he didnt ask for a GM.
  7. Op diki mou einai...xD Ston apokatw thn giagia ths kizezas
  8. GeorgeGr93


    Prospa8hsa,3erw oti apogoreutontai,alla edw einai spam section kai skefthka oti 8a einai ok.Tecpa kleidwste to,an omws kapoios exei kt na steilei me pm to link.
  9. GeorgeGr93


    Exei kaneis link gia na katebasw to teleutaio album twn Ominus k Dj S???
  10. Thnx,me eixe kopsei mauri peina,ston apokatw mou petaw mia pita-gyro ap' ola.Kalh ore3h!!
  11. Tin ali8inh i foto?tecpa... ston apokatw petaw ena pianw kai ena set drums...
  12. i have pro 2009 and vote plz for your suggestion
  13. I have plaied in maps where players can not buy weapons.I am buying sth very fast and on the other round i have it,but not to all maps.
  14. cynex and czitmax dont f@ck up the game.It is only for greek!!! Synexizw: Pianw to biblio 8riskeutikwn kai afou diabasw 4 kefalaia(aurio grafw) to petaw mazi me alla 5 biblia pou exw gia aurio=200 tonoi.PEFTEI!!!
  15. Se mia bdomada 8a agorasw 2 paixnidia gia to pc.Den mporw na apofasisw pia kai eimai anamesa se autes tis epiloges. Translate:In about a week,i am going to buy to pc games.I cant choose and these are my preferences.
  16. OX!Dwro apo to 8eo!xD O apokatw as tsimpisei tin sakoula me ta skoupidia pou bariemai na paw na peta3w...
  17. Me too.I went to occupy one of these and i needed a warsmith.
  18. den uparxei kati epishmo an au3anontai i oxi,alla yparxoun kapoia tricks pou pisteuete oti fernoun tyxh.Otan epeza MML2 oloi ekanan enchant ta dual xtipontas prota palamakia.To ekana kai egw alla phga ews +12(+3 safe) mia fora.Twra exw +25 phgainontas ta +1 ka8e 5 lepta.
  19. Re seis mphka gia ligo kai me efage to lag.(5 lepta).Den nomizw na ftaei to pc mou giati exw 4 gb ram,24 mbps.Den 3erw mporei na etyxe ekeinh thn stigmh...
  20. Kalo fainete. Ston apokatw ena xarti me to bannarismeno pass m ston cursedworld
  21. 0ax0ax0ax.It is the reallity.
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